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A Study of Drinking Water

This analysis begins with the discussion of toxic chemicals distributed in our drinking water that negatively affect our health. Not all governments, states, counties conform to the same safe drinking water standards for human beings. This outline seeks to explain the consequences of chemicals in our drinking water today. It is important to note that normal drinking water has a number of chemicals, though in minute levels. However, acute levels of some of these chemicals spell disaster to those who drink the water. Additionally, harmful effects of some of these chemicals in water are looked at. Chlorine is one of the most useful chemicals used in the treatment of water. In the United States for instance, lead poisoning in water has been regarded as one of the key causes of "pediatric" problems due to contamination of water sources (Chiocca, 2010, p. 171). These chemicals pose real threats to people as many find their way into tap water through a number of ways through a number of ways which are hard to detect. Cook (2005) confirms that fluoride is harmful to our health even when available at the required levels in our drinking water (p. 25). What is intriguing about the whole water treatment process is all of the unknown side effects. The public can educate themselves about what goes in to the treatment of their water.

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A study of drinking water

Have you ever wondered why your family and friends buy distilled or purified water? Perhaps they are aware of harmful products employed in our water system that can adversely affect our minds, body and soul. Based on the research provided in this document, we will learn how to safely utilize water to our advantage. Its main purpose is to provide you with an assessment of chemicals used in water. This analysis begins with the discussion of toxic chemicals distributed in our drinking water that negatively affect our health. For this reason, we recognize the impact these chemicals will have on us. Not all governments, states, counties conform to the same safe drinking water standards for human beings. This outline seeks to clearly explain the consequences of chemicals in our drinking water today.

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While it may seem that water from the tap is safe for consumption due to the sequence of treatment procedures done to it, this may not always be the case. Instead, tap water contains a number of impurities as well as chemical toxins that does have serious effects to those who drink it. It is important to note that normal drinking water has a number of chemicals though in minute levels. However, acute levels of some of these chemicals spell disaster to those who drink the water.

According Plea and Stellman (1998), an association has been found between the prevalence of diseases like cancer and the drinking of water that has inorganic arsenic (p. 63.6) Arsenic can be found in water that has slipped through rocks rich in arsenic in areas close to mines. An instance of arsenic poisoning has been experienced in regions of Bangladesh where wells near mines became poisoned with arsenic. The use of such water exposes consumer to the dangers of arsenic. Harmful effects of some of these chemicals in water shall be examined.

Chlorine is one of the most useful chemicals used in the treatment of water. Chlorine is harmful and toxic to our bodies when consumed. Also, it has been recorded, that high levels of chlorine are associated with increase of breast cancer, bladder and rectal cancer. Chlorine poisoning often results from excessive use of chlorine during treatment.

Another source of contamination in water and often occurs in municipal facilities is lead. Many instances of lead contamination do happen at home where water pipes made of lead are used. They become old an experience corrosion. This implies that lead metal becomes present in the water we drink. Additionally, it affects children or women who are pregnant, complexities such as retarded growth and learning disorders may be experienced as a result of lead poisoning. In the United States for instance, lead poisoning in water has been regarded as one of the key causes of pediatric problems due to contamination of water sources (Chiocca, 2010, p. 171).

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Many people have the notion that fluoride in drinking water can be useful in the enhancement of dental health. While this is true, it is important that the correct amount of fluoride be placed into drinking water as an excess of this chemical can be harmful. Cook (2005) confirms that fluoride is harmful to our health even when available at the required levels in our drinking water (p. 25). Ingestion of fluoride through the drinking of water has been linked with more decay of teeth, missing fillings in teeth and it harmfulness is reinforced with its effects on test animals. In 1992 at the Hooper Bay Alaska high levels of fluoride were released into tap water in Hooper Bay Alaska due to the failure of the fluorination system in a water treatment firm.

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It is now evident that there are numerous health hazards that result from the consumption of water. Chemically treated water may be perceived to be harmless though in the real sense, causes great harm. What is intriguing about the whole water treatment process is all of the unknown side effects. Yes, we know about the cancers and the gastrointestinal problems.

But what else is yet to come. I feel that more money and research should go into a system of cleaning our water with less damage to those who so desperately need it. Did you know that most times bottled spring/purified water in many instances is just tap water packaged and bottled as something different? While this may be shocking to, the solution to the issue of water contamination rests on one technique; filtration. Grubb (2004) believes that, filtration is the best technique both for removal of solid impurities as well as chemical impurities in water and that its use is not only economical but necessary in ensuring that drinking water is safe (p.164). Arguably, there seem to be no better means of achieving purity in drinking water at a cost effective way rather than by filtration.

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