Custom «Agree or Disagree» Essay Paper Sample

Agree or Disagree

Do people learn from their mistakes? Yes they do. It is often said that experience is the best teacher and it is from the experience that a person learns from the mistakes or achievement made and becomes a better person. There are however different ways in which a person can learn from the mistakes committed and pick up the pieces and live life from a different approach. In support of my argument I will focus on professional and personal mistakes that people make in life and learn from the mistake and in the end they become better citizens.

On a personal platform, there are people who pick peculiar habits like alcoholism and drug abuse at tender age and as they grow up they become drug addicts and alcoholics. Such people waste most of their teenager life abusing drugs and alcohol and most them do not make any positive developments in their social and professional lives; however when most of them realize that life has become unbearable and they their lives are doing down the drain they seek help with the hope of reforming. Once in rehabilitation centers, they are enlightened on the negative effects of these vices and most of them learn from their mistakes and decide to open a new chapter in life. It is however important to note that for a person to learn from such a mistake, he/she must stop being in denial and accept that they have a problem and that they need help.

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On a professional level, most young people take up wrong courses while in high school and college and this makes them secure jobs that they do not like. After years being in "forced" employment, most of them resolve to pursue their dream courses and in the end they secure their dream jobs that they have passion for. There are several reasons as to why most young people pursue wrong courses some of which include, peer pressure from friends and wrong advice from parents.

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