Custom «Analysis of Williamsburg» Essay Paper Sample

Analysis of Williamsburg

            Williamsburg is a small independent city with 14,068 inhabitants. The town covers 25.57 square miles in an L shaped configuration. The general environment of Williamsburg includes the economic segment.  There are 4 million people who travel and spent money annually in Williamsburg. In this case tourism brings in the much needed money which is needed to alleviate traffic. Tourist like Williamsburg because it has nice looking hotels, trees, boutiques and eateries in this case efforts to boost tourism sector will help. Williamsburg has an open space with places of significant historical and ecological value it also has a working landscape and scenic vistas with a variety of recreational activities.

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            Williamsburg has no environmental impartiality, because of the demographics and rural development pattern. Riding bicycles hiking, Snowballing and skiing are the common activities as the fall foliage season comes with tourist traffic. Industry environment includes the state provision of employment in the construction and education sectors. There is smart growth with vibrant businesses within two village centers they are Haydenville and Williamsburg, there are forests and farms that are productive .There is development of the village centers according to the Williamsburg recreation and open space plan.

            Williamsburg has soils, topography and rivers that constraint the use of the land at the moment the increase in land value attracted development there are 11energy efficient condominiums that are detached. The Haydenville experienced economic growth because many new bike shops and restaurants replaced the closed establishments. There are Cumberland farms enlarged from small to a convenience store and multi gas station. Its history is digitized. Competitor environment in Williamsburg has product innovation that is very much admired in the world making tourism industry ready to face the competition that exists in the market.

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            Williamsburg has a strong general, industrial and economic environment, which encourages tourist growth and attraction this makes it to earn a large market share that has moved to international markets.

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