Custom «Assessment Three» Essay Paper Sample

Assessment Three


According to the data, dependent variable is those patients who were seeking posttraumatic stress disorder treatment for four weeks. The independent variable is the symptoms analysis of the patients after every counseling session. The first group is those patients who come for two sessions in a week while the second group includes those patients who come in once a week for the sessions. After separating the patients into two groups, the data were uploaded in the SPSS program for analysis. According to the f-ratios, there was no significant difference in the statistics. The standard test was employed and the two had a critical value of 2.7 and 2.4 respectively. The figures were 1.8 in the first group and 2.1 in the second group. The data size of patients and symptoms evaluated was the effective size. Based on the probability values, they were approximately exact. Therefore, the probability of having errors in the test was close to nil. In relation to the post-hoc analysis, there is still room for more tests to be conducted. This is because the values obtained by the SPSS programs did not indicate how effective the new therapy technique is.

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According to the tests result, the main aim was to establish whether efficiency of the new therapy technique depends on the number of sessions attended by the patient. Based on the table above, it can be noted that efficiency of the new therapy technique depends a lot on the number of sessions a patient attends in a period. For instance, those patients who used to come for the sessions twice a week responded to treatment extremely well as compared to those who attended the sessions once a week. Therefore, it is true to say that the new therapy technique is dependent on the number of times a patient attends for the sessions for its effective use.

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