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Creating Sustainable Science


Creating Sustainable Science is an article by Londa Schiebinger focussing on the relationship between gender studies of science and scientists. In addition, Londa's article focuses on problems such as the impact of gender science in the science practice, the kind of working relationships between science studies scholars and scientists, and finally, the institutionalization of fruitful relationships. Londa has talked widely regarding the role of women in science. She also explored sustainable science in relation to women in science. This paper explicates what sustainable science is. In addition, it explores a critical insight in relation to Schiebinger's argument.

According to Londa Schiebinger, a well definition of sustainable science is under her older notion of "socially responsible science". Sustainable science fights for social responsibility. This notion of sustainable science arose among physicist because they were concerned about the inclusion of military activities in science. In addition, their concern was on the effect of nuclear power on the health of human beings. On the other hand, Londa broadens her perspective concerning sustainable science and includes the responsibility towards nature and culture.

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Londa asserts that, the concept dealing with sustainable science has its origins from sustainable agriculture that emerged in 1970s. The concept of sustainable agriculture emerged with a sole purpose of challenging conventional industrial agriculture, which emphasized on using hybrid seeds, chemical fertilizers and mono agriculture. Arguably, the term sustainable science entails taking actions that help in attaining the current needs while at same time saving or sustaining for future generations (Schiebinger, 212).

Londa suggests that certain tools are essential for gender analysis in sustainable science. The tools necessary seem diverse equalling those of science theory and practice. The vital tools utilized for gender analysis in sustainable science are marked through ethnicity, class, geographies, race, sexual orientation and age.

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Londa's argument concerning Analyses of gender dynamics in what is considered "Science"

From this insight, Londa observes that men undermine the contribution of women in science through the way their achievements and contributions are measured. She provides proof for her claims by saying that two prominent sociologist echoed Voltaire's proclamation of 1764 alluding to the fact concerning women's contribution to science. This is a notion that Londa is totally against, and suggests that employment of ethnographic tools might influence the evaluation of women's contribution. Londa further brings to light the ethnographic examples that she suggests need consideration such as midwifery and breeding of seed for potatoes. She explains that scientist arguing against women's contribution should try to focus their attention on Mid-Western traditions (Schiebinger, 217).

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Londa's argument concerning women's contribution to knowledge is not valid because of the scantiness in documented information concerning women's contribution to knowledge. In addition, the examples she provides were gender-determined roles during ancient time and that does not validate the fact that women contributed the knowledge to the society, as men might have shown them how to go about it, and left it to their devices, since the roles suited them at that particular period. Midwifery is a key example given by Londa, which in the ancient times; men could have not participated in it comfortably given the taboos and rules of interaction.

In conclusion, Londa explores the place and role of women in science through her article. She attempts to explain sustainable science in relation to the contribution made by women to knowledge. According to her, sustainable science fights for humanity since it advocates for finding solutions currently needed while having a concern for future generations. Londa traces the origin of the term sustainable science, which has roots from sustainable agriculture. It commenced with a purpose of stopping depletion of the soil through use of chemicals for farming.

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