Custom «Foundations of Capitalism» Essay Paper Sample

Foundations of Capitalism

According to Younkins (1998), Capitalism is a system that includes the freedom of thought and voluntary action and applies this freedoms in such a way that it can lead to increased production. It is through capitalism that the concept of a free market was born. Under free Market capitalism, there are four basic rights. These are;

  1. The right to private property,
  2. The right to own a business. This right also allows the business owner to keep all profits after tax.
  3. The right to Freedom of competition and lastly
  4. the right to freedom of Choice

One of the rights that I believe is the most important is the right to Freedom of Choice. Under capitalism individuals are allowed to make various decisions regarding their livelihoods unlike communist governments which tend to dictate their opinions through imposing various rules that cannot be defied. Freedom of choice allows an individual to choose the kind of leader they wish to vote for. Furthermore, this right also ensures that the state or Government respects the wishes of the majority in a democracy.One of the derivatives that is under this right is happiness. Freedom of Choice allows a person to do what one desires or chooses, by allowing one to pursue whatever they wish for as long as it will satisfy their desire to be happy and also allow them to achieve their goals. However, freedom of choice does not mean that one is permitted to go against the permitted social norms and laws in order to achieve what they desire.

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