Custom «Marriages That Work» Essay Paper Sample

Marriages That Work

What makes a marriage tick? The top most qualities listed by couples in long-term relationships include love, loyalty, faithfulness, respect, admiration, hard working, understanding, honesty and friendship, among others. Love alone is not enough in a relationship.

Lisa and Josh met through a friend and are now married for over 40 years. Josh was attracted to Lisa's beauty while Lisa on the other hand says she liked Josh because he was well built and was very hard working. Lisa says that she loves Josh because he takes care of her, respects her, is caring and above all because he loves her and is her best friend. She also points out that the fact that they have a lot in common has kept them together for all this time.

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For Seanice and Nathaniel it was love at first sight. They met on a bus en route to New York and sat next to each other. They were drawn together by the fact that they had so much in common. Twelve years down the line and they are still married. What Nathaniel loves most about Seanice is that she respects and understands him and above all that she is faithful to him.

In conclusion, both couples concur that marriage needs a lot of patience and everyone involved must put in a lot of effort for it to succeed. Their advice to young people who want to get married is much as looks and love matter it is very important to marry someone whom you get along very well with, understands you, the two of you have shared interests and above all is not only your lover but your best friend as well. This, they say, ensures you have something to fall back to when the love and looks fade away.

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