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Rhetorical Analysis

Rhetorical Analysis is a type of analysis that utilizes the ideology of rhetoric to study the relations involving a script, a writer, and an audience. Rhetorical study of a passage relates the readers’ critical reading ability to analyze the entire text or specific parts. You attempt to establish what the author is trying to accomplish, and what script approaches, he/she is applying to strive to attain it. Critical reading suggests more than just being motivated, influenced, knowledgeable, inclined, and swayed by an article. It also means evaluating and comprehending how the piece of writing has attained its effect.

The piece of writingI will beworking with tells the typical account of the American Negro’s figurative transition from “Old” to “New” between modernization and the Second World War. In this era, the Old Negro was a group that represented the African Diasporas as a mediocre ethnic trope. Supposedly, Negros clothed, conversed, acted, and thought in manners that were short of the sort of sophistication and elegance commonly accredited to Anglo America. Such comic strips generalized black prejudice and practices, while mocking the initiative of black integration to American society. African American dissertations of the New Negro, nevertheless, materialized to challenge humiliating black typecasts. The writer’s audience was scholars, professors, learners, and all-purpose readers to study more on the political interconnection of ethnicities, image, and African American customs.

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In the "The New Negro" (1925) by Alain Locke, I have picked the piece of writing below:

The dominant rhetoric of the piece is the fact that the Negro man is emerging as a newfangled man with modern qualities after been enslaved. Locke criticizes the white race by saying they are still lagging behind with partial liberty, which he implies that the New Negro has what it takes to bring that final touch to their sovereignty . He portrays the new Negro as the person who will bring forth improvements in technology, arts, sciences and entertainment. This is the part where the author applies logos. This piece of writing is said to be one of the most convincing stories of ethnic support that spread all over U.S. academic backgrounds, cultures and political affairs.

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Locke uses logic to convince us that the New Negro is indeed a changed man. He explains how the hardships of the Old Negro have shaped him to be the kind of man he is today: The New Negro A man of strength and power, equipped with arts and science and ready to lead the whites into glory. The phrase, “… laden arms… rich gifts to science, religion, poetry and song...” shows us that the New Negro is meant to cause development. This piece of work aspires to prove that the New Negro was a key discursive cornerstone of an ethnic symbol in the late 19th century.

The numerous collections of Locke’s articles reflect the immense diversity, occurrence, and worth of his analytical writings. The phrases, “A Polished Man” and the “the latest birth” depicts Locke’s passionate building of the New Negro, who abandoned the intensity and intricacy of African American resistance. During and after the war, theNew Negro was essentially experiencing an ideological development. In certainty, Locke’s passionate New Negro was a radical, acknowledged, armed communist who declined to give room for more slavery. Hewasfighter or a rebellious warrior. In a nutshell, current political customs revolved around him.

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Locke mentions God to imply that the notion of the New Negro coming into power was indeed God’s will. Locke is applying ethical conviction in his piece of work where the general tone in his writing is overly convincing. He makes a person feel like they should indeed give a chance to the New Negro, who has plenty to offer. Anyone reading this piece of writing will definitely feel like denying the New Negro an opportunity to lead people to glory will be a great mistake, thus people will lose amply. Locke uses the phrases, “…Till he…Behold him…” (Locke, 1925) to imply that the New Negro is the chosen one, and apparently the one people should choose.

Moreover, Locke instills emotions into his readers. We are left with faith, courage, expectation and reliance in the New Negro. The phrase, “… the corner stone of strength” makes us believe that he is a man of great ability and who has plenty to offer. This makes people feel like supporting Locke’s initiative is the best thing to do.

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