Custom «Summary of Survey Instrument used in Case Study» Essay Paper Sample
Customer satisfaction has been a major concern of companies and institutions across the globe. Health care centers have to develop their products, structure their administration and evaluate their customers so as to remain competitive and offer excellent services. This satisfaction is critical because it has a long reaching impact on the current and future viability of any organization Vavra (1997) notes. To measure customer satisfaction, sometimes surveys are carried out.
In the case study 2 is an example of survey to measure customer satisfaction after a short stay surgery (SSS). The SSS survey is structured short questionnaire which means that to get any information one needs a face to face interview has to be conducted. It does not have a cover letter on it to introduce the interviewer to the interviewee and it lacks the clause of informed consent whereby the interviewee has to agree before the survey begins. The questionnaire should have ethics disclaimer and other sections containing personal and demographic details of the respondent. Every major topic like the case of “Treatment by Health Personnel” should have one section.
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The questionnaire is rather squeezed. The format of the questionnaire should be designed very well to avoid portraying lack of seriousness and reflect a good image of the hospital.
Lastly, the questionnaire has both closed and open ended questions. Closed ended questions have different response formats such dichotomous, multichotomous and multiple responses are represented by responses such as “Yes or No”, “Yes, No or Maybe” and “Tick the answer that applies” respectively. The opinion of how to improve or add services in the Community Hospital of the West is one case of open ended whereby the customers’ view about the services of the hospital are required.
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