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The Effects of Immigration on a Country

The recent influx of refugees and the rise of international migration to Europe has heightened worries on the possible social, political, and economic consequences of immigration. A notable concern is that immigrants take jobs from the locals, reduce the minimum wage requirements, and negatively contribute to a country’s public finances. Contrary to this, immigration is associated with economic growth, development of health systems, and medicine globally. In an attempt to understand the impact of immigration on a country, empirical studies have been conducted to obtain evidence on how immigration affects economic development, labor markets, political institutions, and health systems. Findings from pieces of literature highlight a correlation between migration and economic development, technology transfer, and restructuring of public health systems.

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The apparent reasons for immigration concerns in developed countries are its impact on employment and wage for low-skilled employees. According to Portes, 2019, immigration adds labor supply to the market. With this, it is apparent that immigrants take jobs from the natives of the host societies. The notable effect is that immigrants add both labor demand and supply in the market (Portes, 2019). This, in turn, can cause wages to rise or fall. Nonetheless, the logical corollary is that, while people are concerned with the impact of immigration on income and employment, they ignore its effect on economic development (Portes, 2019).

Drawing inferences from empirical studies, Portes, 2019 highlights how immigration impacts a country’s economy beyond income and jobs. The notable effects include increased competition, innovation, and technology transfer (Portes, 2019). The empirical study supports its evidence with data collected from primary sources. Despite this, such a study can demonstrate bias at the systematic level. For example, the impact of immigration on income and jobs is termed as minute compared to its overall effect on the economy. This highlights the need for future studies to examine the impact of immigration on specific employment segments, including the low-skilled and highly employment sectors. Moreover, the economic benefits of immigration are well-established, highlighting the need to study its political implications, particularly in developed countries.

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International immigration continues to increase annually with developing countries registering peak levels in the last five years. To understand the effects of immigration on these countries, conducting empirical analysis is essential as the use of timely migrant data might be inconclusive. Moreover, existing migrant data have imperfections drawing concerns on their conclusiveness. Noja et al. 2018 conducted an empirical analysis to interpret how migrants influence economic development in host countries. The evidence-based approach, which relies on factual data concludes that immigration does not affect the labor market performance of the native populations (Noja et al. 2018). On the contrary, an increased flow of immigrants positively influences an increase in employment rates and therefore, can impact economic development. For the host country, studies indicate that immigration generates both economic and social consequence, including diversity of skills, innovation, and cultural diversity. These aspects are vital for sustainable economic development in a country (Noja et al., 2018). Nonetheless, the study does not take into consideration the notion that these changes are determined by capital and labor flexibility, and the ability of the labor markets to adjust to both the short and long-term changes.

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Immigration is an unexpected event whose actual impact cannot be accurately correlated. To understand this, Edo et al., 2018 reviews pieces of literature on the impact of immigration on public resources and labor market of the host nation. The study concludes that immigration has a negligible impact on employment and wages of the native workers. However, these adjustments take time, implying that the initial and long-term effects of immigration may differ (Edo et al., 2018). The impact of immigration on public resources is also negligible, indicating that benefits received by immigrants are somehow equal to their monetary contributions (Edo et al., 2018). Presumably, secondary data analysis provides extensive literature on the effects of immigration by drawing inferences from previous research studies. Contrary to this, the information might not be factual, given the shifting effects and possible bias by the reviews. Through this, it is difficult to assess the impact of immigration unless empirical studies and analysis are used.

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Immigration became an important topic as the number of immigrants grew to 244 million globally by 2015. With this, it is vital to assess its effect on health systems, science and medicine of developed nations. According to Trost et al. 2018, immigration strongly influences the development of health systems, science, and medicine globally. Drawing inferences from bibliometric data, Trost et al. 2018 concludes that increased numbers of immigrants in developed countries compel health professionals to study neglected diseases. This requires health systems in the host country to be modernized and incorporate scientific studies of diseases (Trost et al. 2018). In the long run, immigration positively influences the restructuring of health systems, medicine, and science globally.

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The information collected from bibliometric data provides researchers with extensive facts important for studying immigration. While these articles are obtained from established platforms, their reliability cannot be determined. These drawbacks can be averted by conducting empirical studies and analysis to obtain factual conclusions on the effects of immigration on the host countries. Through this, positive correlations can be established on the impacts of migration on economic development, health systems, technology transfer, innovation, income, and employment. Additionally, future research studies should focus on the effects of immigration on cultural and skill diversity in the host country. This is important to ensure the main aspects of international immigration are studied and interpreted.

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