Custom «Best Back up Files for My Business» Essay Paper Sample

Best Back up Files for My Business

Background of the Company

Ours is a small advertising and digital printing firm that prints images, logos and do advertisements as per our clients instructions. We have some regular customers and, therefore, we need to have their logos stored in back up files because the client does not always provide us samples of logo every time we do their job. Thus, it becomes necessary for us to keep a proper back up system which we can use when the requirement arise. Since ours is a small to medium business, we need a cost effective back up system, as mostly we have to store files which are in the lo bites  and in rare cases, small mega bite files.

The two - three systems that we evaluated in order to make a decision as to which back up system we can use are:

  • External Hard Drives
  • CD-ROM and CD-R/W
  • DVD and DVD-ROM

We cannot store any data in the primary memory or RAM because it is not a permanent storage system.

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External Hard Drives






High access speed

Reliability of data

A hard casing over the hard drive provides safety from physical damage. The casing has the power as well as data cable connections.


Can store drive images under 650MB in size

Can handle back ups at reliable speed


DVD-RAM cartridges can address 2.6-4.7GB of data single-sided, or up to 9.4 GB in double-sided

DVD-RWs offer a storage space size of 4.7GB and can be written at high speeds for 3 megabytes per second.



Good storage capacity and excess speed therefore is good.

Easy to install

CD-R/W'S can be used a large number of times.

Very useful for weekly back ups

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can handle data backups at decent enough speeds

DVD RAM itself has turned out to be a good back up system.

Is more advanced than the 650 mb limits of cd-r and r/ws

Good transfer rates.



Cost efficient

2 external 250 GB - $ 700

80 GB - 150 Gb - $ 50 - $100

The CD Drive costs $100 to $250, blank 680 MB CDR's cost 50 cents to $1 each


$15-$25 for double-sided media


Risk assessment


Risk is there in terms of data reliability.

CD - Rw is less reliable than CD - R. CD-R is less risky.

DVD - Rw is less reliable than DVD-R. DVD-R is less risky than DVD - Rw.


On an evalution of the above comparisons of three types of back up systems, on the grounds of data reliability and the background of my firm, the best option available is DVD - R/W and DVD-ROM. "Rather than the 650MB limit of CD-recordable media, DVD-RAM cartridges can house 2.6-4.7GB of data single-sided, or up to 9.4 GB double-sided, making it more viable for storing the entire contents of your hard drive." (Strauch 2002).

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Comparing the costs, benefits, the risk assessment and their features, it seems that the DVD - R/W and DVD-ROM is the best option. Since the DVD - R/W and DVD-ROM is now available at more reasonable cost since it ensures data reliability and more capacity of storage, this is the best possible option for my small to medium advertising industry. The option of DVD - R/W and DVD-ROM as a back up system is both cost effective as well as it is ability for high storage capacity and reliability as compared to other back up systems.

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