Custom «Alternative Healthcare» Essay Paper Sample

Alternative Healthcare

There is an increasing global awareness of alternative health care services and many people are flocking in the providers of this kind of services to experience this "natural medication". Within the past few years, Canada is one of the countries that are experiencing this exponential growth among the number of individuals using this alternative medicine services according to studies (Veniez, 2009). My research question "How to educate Canadians about alternative health care services (i.e. walk-in-clinics, primary physicians, and telehealth) in order to reduce wait time and improve accessibility in Canada" is an interesting topic of research because currently, there are many health risks that have exposed many Canadians to a number of health problems. This has put the existing health facilities under pressure therefore the need for education on alternative medicine to reduce the pressure.

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This is a theory article that outlines the details of examination requirements and education for practitioners of Complimentary and Alternative medicine and the underlying reasons important roles that Complimentary and Alternative medicine can play in healthcare system. This article is relevant to my research question because it outlines all prerequisites for alternative education.

This paper is a very comprehensive research that was carried out in Canada's healthcare system to find out its effectiveness. Another particular area of interest is the availability of alternative medicine in the country. The paper gives a historical overview of the use of alternative medicine in Canada and how it has transformed the provision of healthcare services. Education on Alternative and Complimentary health care system in Canada is also discussed. Haigh attempts to statistically illustrate how Canadians and other Western countries have rapidly changed to make use of alternative healthcare systems instead of conventional medicine.

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Lastly, Haigh discusses the legal framework governing healthcare systems and the disparities that exist between the two healthcare systems. He explains how less funding is allocated for operations of alternative healthcare in areas such as insurance scheme and education.

My research question has been studied by various scholars because from my research results, there are very many articles on the same topic. The literature provided has enriched with adequate knowledge concerning alternative medicine in Canada and it has helped to me modify my question to "Approaches to alternative healthcare education in Canada and their implication to time management and accessibility to healthcare in Canada"

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This assignment has exposed me to a lot of information concerning alternative medicine in Canada and how its education is still dismal despite the important role it plays in the society. I did not encounter significant frustrations as most of the information is available online.

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