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the United States Foreign Policy

The United States foreign policy is the way in which the country interacts with foreign nations and sets standards for interaction for the sake of its organizations, individual citizens, and its organizations. US are a super power in the world due to its economic stability and the area it occupies in international politics. The economy of the United States accounts to about a quater of the worlds’ gross domestic production with a military budget equivalent to about 40% of the world’s military budget. The president of the United States determines the national interests and the strategies chosen to safeguard the achievement of goals, controls the foreign policy of the United States and advises the government on the way forward. The current minister for foreign affairs of the US is Hillary Clinton who is in charge of the foreign policies. The foreign policy of the United States of America states that it’s to create more secure , democratic and a prosperous world that will benefit the American people and the world community at large. The government of the US has a duty to safeguard the trade in the international market in order for the people of its nation to benefit. The US business abroad protected through the foreign policy for its people to access international market and brings foreign exchange. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the US changed a majority of its policies after the breakdown of the coalition.

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The trend involving the US history since the collapse of the Soviet Union is the shift from non-interventionism to a super power and global hegemony that it is today. The collapse saw US create a peace and harmony with all states and nations willing to cooperate with her. United States changed from realistic school to idealist school of thought. In the foreign policy, the US allied with some other nations for development purposes like France in 1790. Later the government of the US signed the North Atlantic treaty in 1949 that brought together the nations to the North of the Atlantic Ocean to an organization for development. At one time, the government of the US engaged in rivalry with the European nations that included Britain as the main rival. Nevertheless, US avoided wars for the stability of their economy. The United States developed a non-interventionist foreign policy in 1932 to 1938 however, Roosevelt continued to support the war on the enemies like Germany and Japan. President Franklin Roosevelt pronounced some major freedoms that the people of the world enjoy that include the freedom of speech and religion, as well as he pronounced the freedom from want and fear. Roosevelt engaged in war with some rivalries that included France, Germany and Italy that he conquered before settling down the stable economy of the United States of America. After the war, US rose up to become the dominant non-colonial economic powers that influence most of the economies of most of the nations of the world.

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The policy change from Bush Sr, to Bush Jr represents a significant break from past US practices however the Bush II foreign policy appear to some observers as a radical departure, On security the policy changes was regarded as the "slime and defend", this policy revealed Bush's true nature of political damage control and not national security.

In the 21st century, the economy of the US has declined following some climatic factors and competition from the allied European Union, China and Japan due to industrial revolution in those nations. The Obama’s foreign policy is to withdraw troops from Afghanistan over a period of five years. President Obama was looking forward to the gross domestic products that are subdued by the war against Afghanistan since the start of the 21st century. The policy was greatly opposed by the US council as they complained increased government expenditure leading to a deficit in the gross domestic products. By reducing the number of troops will reduce the government expenditure and spending. The war on Afghanistan is just a simple task for the United States according to president Obama instead of wasting a lot of time contemplating on what to do about the war. United States is a super power that is respected for its strong economy though if not controlled it can collapse.

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