Custom «Globalization» Essay Paper Sample


Globalization is a concept used to describe the increase in the economic interdependence of nations through the movement of goods and services across their borders. It also characterized by reduction in trade and transport barriers, versatile flow of international capital, direct foreign investments in the developing countries, immigration, and unpredictable exchange rates. Such movements are seen to be the sole tools that greatly facilitate the spread of technology, know-how, culture and information. This idea can also be further explained by the term 'liberalization' that has seen the decrease in trade barriers and improved relations between countries. Most of the effects are directly felt through employment, working conditions, health, and poverty reduction and most of these parameters will be considered when gauging their outcomes on the participating countries. In this discussion however, our focus will largely dwell on the impacts of globalization on education, health, internet, and the media. It is always important to note that the impact of globalization can either be beneficial or detrimental to the developing nations (Aulakh, Preet, Schechter & Michael 2000, 121).

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As earlier pointed out, globalization has an impact on the educational sector of both the developed and developing countries. It is generally understood that the academic conditions of a developed nation are high and have a lot of professionals. The schools are well equipped with up-to date facilities that enhance the quality of knowledge that the students receive. On the other hand, the developing nations have few trained professionals and even the knowledge that they have may be of lower standards compared to that of developed nations. Additionally, most of the learning conditions are in pathetic conditions and do not at any time warrant an ample learning environment. The teachers that also teach in the developing countries may have limited know-how that contributes to the low standards of education. This is generally the condition of education in the two categories of nations before the barriers are eliminated (Stromquist & Monkman 2000, 13).

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Existence of globalization has seen the exchange of information that has led to improvement of the education systems in the developing countries. This is because there is freedom of movement of manpower, teachers, and technology that facilitates the offering of reasonable information relevant to the current times (Khor 2004, 46). Teachers from developed nations are able to come and teach in these countries and in the long run there will be a remarkable improvement in the quality of education. One of the benefits of globalization is the increase in the revenue earnings by the developing nations. This can further be extended to the education sector where the concerned governments use some of the revenues to build schools thus making the learning environment more ample. Additionally, globalization has seen the collaborations of various universities in the developed and the developing countries and this has resulted in the improvement of the quality of education in the developing countries due to exchange of information. Businesses that establish themselves in developing countries may at times be required to offer scholarships as part of their corporate social responsibility and this result to positive influence on the academic level of that country (Stromquist & Monkman 2000, 13).

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There are however negative impacts of globalization on the quality of education. This is characterized especially on the flow of workforce from one part to the other where teachers from a developed nation may find affluent job opportunities in the developing nations. It they abandon their services and seek better pay, it may result in decline in the quality of education. Additionally, individuals who have been well educated in the developing nations may leave to the developed nations in search of better paying jobs. This will make the country lack professionals working within its borders. In relation to the health sector, it is quite agreeable that the wellbeing of citizens in the developing nations is wanting. Most people are mostly reported dying of minor curable diseases. The health sectors in the developed nations have well trained doctors and nurses that ensure its population is safe at all times from all kinds of diseases. Additionally, they have all varieties of drugs and use very sophisticated equipments (Kawachi & Wamala 2007, 65).

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Credit is however given to globalization because it has facilitated a lot of collaborations between doctors of developed and the developing countries. This has resulted in the exchange of vital information and even the qualified doctors have no restrictions to working in the developing countries. Additionally, it has led to importations of drugs and other equipments and these have greatly boosted the health standards in the developing countries. The number of people dying due to minor curable illnesses has notably reduced and this may be credited to globalization. However, negative effects may include the importation of low quality medicine due to the weak trade barriers and this may negatively impact on the developing nation. The flow of many doctors to the developing countries may at some point result in the shortage of doctors in the developed countries (Stromquist & Monkman 2000, 13).

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Globalization has also impacted the media and internet in a positive manner. This is characterized by the ever increasing internet services in the developing countries which are generally offered by the developed countries. The weakened trade barriers have seen minimal censorship of internet content and information sharing has been on the rise. It has seen the internationals radio and television networks broadcasting in the in the developed countries. Through the internet, developing nations have been able to acquire information on various websites. It has also promoted the operation of trade through the internet commonly known as e-commerce. Internet has also increased the collaborations of various governments on various issues due to the speedy communications facilitated by the internet (Khor 2004, 46).

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In terms of media coverage, globalization has enhanced this through the removal of stringent laws that governs their operations. This has resulted in the establishment of media houses in the developing nations and most of what they cover may be local content. This has enhanced information sharing between the two categories of nations. It is however important to note that the media and internet may give out information or content that may be contrary to the values of the societies in the developing nations.

It can therefore be concluded that globalization has positive effects to both the developing and the developed countries. The impacts can be felt in all the sectors of the economy like education, and health among others.

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Globalization is seen to be advancing and taking root in the society and it is now wise for the participating nations cooperate so as to ensure that maximum benefits are achieved.

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