Custom «How to Make Ice Cream» Essay Paper Sample

How to Make Ice Cream

There are several flavors of ice cream, which stimulate wild cravings for different people. However, many people still wonder how they can make ice cream from home. The process of making ice cream at home is easy, fun, and an exciting activity for everyone not to mention a significant learning process. Some essential ingredients are necessary for the production of tasty ice cream. Some of these ingredients are; full cream milk, cold milk, corn flour, sugar, gelatin, fresh cream and desired flavorings. Several key steps will assist in the process of the production of a delicious and exciting ice cream fix.

The first step is to boil the milk. When the milk boils, heat continually on low flame for about the quarter of an hour occasionally stirring. The milk will now be ready for the next action. Take the proper amount of corn flour, mix it with a cup of milk, and keep this aside. Add sugar sparingly to the boiling milk and stir to dissolve. Having that done, add the corn flour paste set aside earlier and continually stir until the boiling resumes. Boil further for about five minutes then set off the fire.

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The next step in the process is sprinkling gelatin over about three tablespoonful water, and allow five minutes to the mixture. The mixture can be heated gently until dissolved but should not boil. The result should then be add to the lukewarm milk and mixed thoroughly. The paste produced should subside to room temperature, then frozen in a covered tray until set. Take note that this paste should not be hard.

The final step is beating the paste using an egg beater until it is soft. Add also the essence and cream then blend everything thoroughly. The final product is a paste which should have a light and creamy texture. Set the cream produced in a freezer until frozen to desired degree. The final product is a tasty and delicious homemade ice cream which will be best if served frozen.

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