Custom «Product Design and Realization» Essay Paper Sample

Product Design and Realization

Web design description

The web site intended to serve Product Design and Realization shall have to be appealing to customers who visit it. Since the site shall be used as a marketing tool of the company's products it must have the company's details and including location and contacts. The site will be divided into sections by use of frames for ease of navigation. The background color of the site shall be the color of the company and a link to a feedback page shall be provided. Interaction with visitors will be enhanced by use of fireworks and scripting language (Davidsen & Yankee, 2004).

Company logo shall be animated by use of animation technique while there shall be links to company products and other related sites. Another link shall be for company staff and personal profile. To enhance functionality the site shall have functionalities such as ability to upload PDF files, audio and movie files among others (Davidsen & Yankee, 2004). Font colors and sizes will be appealing to the eyes of the website visitors and this will limit the number of colors to use to a maximum of three.

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On the home page of the site, the logo and name of the company shall be predominant and a brief statement of the company products shall be included on the side bar. The rest shall be links to different pages of the site including:

Visitors who provide their feedback shall get automatic e-mail feedback through the use of web technology like Ajax and CSS. At the bottom of the home page there shall be a declaimer statement to absolve the company from any criminal activities which may result thereof .By use of marquee tag, the company vision statement will constantly scroll across the home page with a thank message for the visitor of the site.

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