Custom «SARPH» Essay Paper Sample


One of the tutors remarked that, “Any professional must be able to demonstrate high level of responsibility and proper ethics when attending to a client.” This was during my first day at the JHM Program. I had not imagined that some pharmacists are irresponsible and do not uphold moral ethics in their work. It all dawned on me when I joined the Secundum Artem Reaching Pharmacists (SARPH). I discovered that a workplace ought to have its own set of rules to regulate the moral behavior of workers and for efficiency of its operations. Nevertheless, good relationship is needed among the employees in an organization. Moreover, I realized that not everyone is supposed to have health profession because of diverse personalities existing. There are assumptions and mistakes we take as minor in life yet they can greatly cost our lives. For instance, going to work while drunk and giving a wrong dose to a patient may have serious consequences to the patient. Many lives rely on health professionals. Therefore, pharmacists should become role models in their field in order to save many precious lives.

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The skills of an individual should not be used in gauging the performance of a health worker. However, the integrity and character of a person needs to be examined properly before one joins a medical field. Employees ought to know the essence of having rules in an organization. It is not because everyone is bad but it only helps the management to achieve its goals and objectives of quality delivery of services to the clients. Although some regulations may seem to be tough to adhere to, the organization should revise its policies to promote a sense of belonging among the employees. The mode of punishing the offenders should not aim at eliminating them from the organization and instilling fear in the rest, but it should look on the ways of helping those who are affected recover. Meanwhile, those engaged in very odd behaviors should be treated with a lot of care in order to protect the reputation of the firm.

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Pride and personal ego must be avoided at all cost. I learnt that not all pharmacists can prescribe a drug for a patient, carry out laboratory tests or give an advice. However, cooperation and delegation of duties is required among the health professionals. This motivates the workers and makes them have job satisfaction. Therefore, for things to work well, the juniors must learn to follow the instructions given by their seniors. Just as I got guidelines from the professionals on how to prescribe a drug and being committed to the work, so the pharmacists also become knowledgeable in their work when they stick to the instructions given by their seniors.

It is worth noting that nobody is perfect but continuous guidance will help maintain the standards of health care units. I discovered that the management can use various mechanisms to protect the employees and to retain its good name in case a problem occurs. When the ways of settling disputes are put in place, the profession as well as the career shall be improved. Furthermore, adequate knowledge received through persistent training is vital in any career. I learnt that pharmacists ought to be acquainted with numerous skills. For example, when the employees are given an opportunity to attend workshops and refresher courses, this will aid in the establishment of good performance in an organization. Therefore, every pharmacist should not be considered complete unless they are exposed to a broad wealth of ideas given in SARPH and PHMP.

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How can a pharmacist become effective in his operations? This question should be asked by any student in the field. It is important to note that that effective work is necessary for quality services. Thus, good assessment of the pharmacist is needed.

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