Custom «Philanthropy» Essay Paper Sample



Philanthropy in layman language can be stated as 'love for humanity'. The emotional feeling for another human around you, feeling his suffering, his loss, his despair. Seeing your happiness in the happiness of your fellow human being.

Practical Experience:

Being a Chief in recent years I started working with an organization that used to provide free food to the poor. They are a group by the name of 'Khidmat -e- Khalk'. The literal meaning of this is helping people. In year 2010 my country was devastated by floods ranging from the north till the south. With millions of people left homeless and in misery, Khidmat-e- Khalk made a mission to reach out to the people and provide them with food, three times a day. For this they had made a setup and called upon volunteers for all the jobs to be done. Following lines of action were adopted by the organization.

  • Invited people in areas that were distant from the flood hit areas to donate food and clothing.
  • Invited groups of transporters and volunteer workers to pack the received donation and then transport it to the areas that were badly hit.
  • Invited group of volunteers in each affected locality to receive the food and goods shipped to their place, then cook the food and distribute it with equality in the needy groups of people.
  • After establishment of a working chain system for receipt of food and its availability, they shifted to distribution of clothing and temporary shelter alternatives like tents and portable material to make temporary sheds and bedding for people to sleep in.
  • Once the flood water drained out, they followed up their efforts by provision of equipment for cleaning of the affected area, in terms of medicines sprays, disinfectants. Further on equipment for cleaning of wells and water sources was moved to make fresh water available for people to drink and use for daily purposes.


Personally I served with the organization initially as a cooking chief to cook food and packing it for the people, which was later followed by working as volunteer in the affected area in manual labor. At times it was pretty hard, pretty depression seeing a wave of despair all around however every small deed committed that brought a smile or a look of hope in the eyes of the people of the area served as fuel for my working motivation. The same proved to be the actual spirit of philanthropy that 'Kidmat - e - Khalk' inherits as a organization.

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