Custom «This I Believe» Essay Paper Sample

This I Believe

I believe that being a doctor in a multicultural society is a good thing. There have been debates on the rapid growing of the multicultural population in the world and its trends for the public health. The justification for the multicultural aspect in the health sector is based on some facts such as the varying measures of disabilities and preventable deaths by some ethnic groups which are due to the environmental risk factors, personal behaviors and access to the healthcare services. The behavioral factors are based on culture and the health care services must be compatible with the available cultures.

In the world, there will be a continuous demand for doctors and this demand is independent of many factors such as poor economic state and the political situation in the countries. This is because people are always sick and others are injured. Also, the world's population is rapidly is growing which implies increasing demand for the services of the doctors/physicians. The profession is among the crucial ones that cannot be cut down to reduce the costs and various reports and statistics shows that the employment rate of physicians grows faster relative to other professions.

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The profession is emotionally rewarding because physicians have good opportunities to meet with different people every time. This meetings grants the doctors opportunities to have positive impacts on the patients and it is generally good for someone to realize that he/she is able to help others in the lifetime. Also, as a physician, one can get a chance to work with highly talented people with a common goal in the healthcare field and it is rewarding because it is surrounded by people who are ready to better the lives of others in the world.

Attractive salaries for doctors motivate me to become a physician. The highly experienced doctors are given very good salaries and good median compensation. For instance the ones who have specialized in sensitive areas such surgeons are paid well. The doctors are also endowed with several entrepreneurial opportunities as they can work in public and private hospitals and clinics. As a physician, one can be able to establish my own business which will enable me earn very high compensation.

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Also, I believe that becoming a physician is something that is very interesting. For example, I ailed from cancer when I was a child and the doctors and nurses at the hospital took very good care of me. For instance, they used some complicated medical terms which they sometimes explained to me and I was able to grasp some words such as chemotherapy. Through these experiences, I was interested with the things that are associated with the healthcare and I therefore want to be a physician so that I can help those in the situations same as the one I was in.

Upon seeing the people's difficult situations that are characterized by suffering and lack of quality health services in my area, I believe that becoming a professional physician and participate in providing them with adequate care, assistance and protection that they need is very important. Once in the healthcare field that is characterized by diverse cultural aspects and working diligently to become a top performer, I believe that the world of medical health will benefit from a medical doctor with relevant medical knowledge and armed with the modern healthcare developments such as the latest sickness procedures and technologies. Therefore, I believe that being medical physician who provides true services to other people is a good personal fulfillment.

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