Custom «The Economic Globalisation» Essay Paper Sample
Globalization has become a debatable issue across the world because of its impact on the human society and culture. People are aware of the business-driven characteristic of globalization, which has changed the global trend to a homogenized culture (Mohammad, 2011). Globalization portrays people’s daily life as living in a society where interactions are greater than in the past, and which has led to advancements in social, economic, and technological organization of humanity (Mohammad, 2011). The summary of The Economic Globalization and its Threats to Human Rights by Mohammad, explores the relationship between economics and socio-cultural climate.
Economic globalization is a result of the increasing integration through investment and trade due to the revival of free market ideology. This helped drive the expansion of investment and trade flows because of the complex mix of economic, social, cultural, and technological changes. The giant transnational corporations have become the global players in influencing the world’s future directions. Socially and politically, the activities and decisions of the transnational corporations might affect the international and national policy-making considerably. The effect of corporate activities and policies is likely to affect the public consumers of their goods and services, or the wiser society due to environmental consequences (Mohammad, 2011).
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Therefore, economic issues have dominated the cultural, political, and social complexities of globalization. Instead of propagating wealth and economic growth, globalization has led to inequities, despair and mass impoverishment. Economic globalization has widened the gap between the poor and the rich nations due to the emergence of transnational corporations, which sparks escalating issues over its threat to human rights (Mohammad, 2011). Statistics show that the gap between the rich and the poor is becoming extremely wide both within and between countries, and that in most countries poverty is increasing by both depth and numbers. Weak governance and bad policies in developing countries, the weakness of international rules, and corporate practices that prioritize short-term profit rather than prioritizing long-term human development continue to undermine the capacity of the poor nations to gain from the international trade (Mohammad, 2011).
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It is apparent that economic globalization tends to have a significant effect on human rights because some transnational companies violate the fundamental human rights in their activities. Human rights need business and business needs human rights (Mohammad, 2011). Business cannot grow well in an environment where people do not respect human rights. For instance, the reputation of organizations in which employers do not observe the employees’ fundamental human rights will suffer (Mohammad, 2011). Therefore, such organizations may experience a shortage of human capital because employees decide to resign in order to avoid unfavorable working conditions. Because of economic globalization, many people move across international borders in search of employment opportunities, which in most cases force employees to work in unfavorable conditions for reduced wages. Wages reduce, and the working conditions become unfavorable because globalization increases the supply of human capital and, thus, reducing scarcity of labor. However, the transnational corporations may have a positive influence in the human society by raising living standards of people and improving the respect for social, cultural, and economic rights (Mohammad, 2011).
With responsibility, globalization can enhance respecting of human rights. It is necessary to restate that the most significant issues concerning managing globalization from the views of developing economies are the eradication of poverty and avoidance of marginalization. The governments in developing nations bear a share of responsibility with private sectors, especially concerning sound democratic accountability and governance in the quest for economic development and successfulness. Therefore, the major lesson, which people can learn from The Economic Globalization and its Threats to Human Rights, is that globalization can be less destructive when the governments of the involved countries can be able to manage it in the right manner. Harnessing the positive effects of globalization can be beneficial to various countries across the world (Mohammad, 2011).
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