Custom «Six Sigma» Essay Paper Sample

Six Sigma

Six Sigma is a business process that enables companies to increase profits tremendously by streamlining operations, enhancing quality, minimizing defects, and ensuring that the best products are supplied in the market. Six sigma is more advanced than the previous quality control measures in that it provides specific systems that ensures that defects are never produced in the first place of manufacturing process (Harry & Schroeder, 2006). This system of operation was first introduced in the early 1980s and it became fully operational in most of international companies in the mid 1990s.

Due to the need to improve quality of products, many manufacturing companies around the world are now facing out their old systems of quality assurance and embracing the six sigma system of operation. Sony and Toshiba are among the first companies to implement the use of six-sigma method in their production (Harry et al, 2010). Sony in particular has implemented it in reducing operation costs, improving services, and expanding capacity of their products.

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Six Sigma requires that the customer is fully satisfied with the process by ensuring that it takes the shortest time possible and with the modern computerized system, this goal has been achieved as timing is very accurate. Quality is another key issue that the Sony Company has taken into consideration. This system eliminates almost all the defects possible and fulfils the customer's expectations (Harry & Schroeder, 2006).

The use of Six Sigma has been very successful in the company because when you go to the market nowadays, the best selling products are the Sony products. This is because of the implementation of the system, which has enhanced quality goods and efficiency in their operation. In addition, the system has made the employees very alert in their areas of specialization. This in turn has improved productivity of the company hence realizing their quality production (Harry et al, 2010).

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