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Printers Report

The Hewlett Packard Company which is commonly known as HP is a multinational American corporation dealing with information technology with its headquarters in Palo Alto, California, USA. It was founded by Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard in a car garage at Palo Alto. It specializes in manufacturing computing, software designs, networking hardware, data storage and delivery services. Among the products made by the company are computing devices, enterprise servers, imaging products, storing devices as well as a wide range of printers. It has grown to be one of the world's largest companies dealing in information technology which operates in almost every country. Xerox was formed in 1906 and was previously known as "The Haloid Photographic Company". This is to mean that it initially produced photographic paper and equipment. The company later in 1961 changed its name to the current Xerox. Its laser printer was discovered in 1969 by Xerox researcher known as Gary Stark weather which he did through the modification of Xerox copier.

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In 1970 the company was able to develop most of the current computing devices like the mouse and the graphic user interface. It was also during this period that the company developed a small minicomputer which could be similar to the current workstation or a personal computer. In 1990s the company was able to revamp its entire range of products by attaching scanners to the initially high end laser printers. Currently, it manufactures a wide range of products among them are LCD monitors, Xerox Phased printers, photo copiers and even multifunction printers.(Stone, 1996)

A LED printer is a special printer that uses a light emitting diode array as the source of light in the print head. The LED bar usually flashes across the whole page width creating the image on the print belt or drum as it passes along. HP has become a worldwide leading standard in printing and imaging solutions. The quality of having to use HP printers have been attributed to innovation, performance, brand built on customer trust.(Green, 1994)

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Hp toner cartridge has typically higher yields in that there is less changing as compared to ink cartridge. These feature augers well when performing volume printing. In addition to this, it offers a high quality definition of color models which are available. They have also the malfunctioning capability other than the straight line printing. This is made possible by that fact that HP Company has developed a three-in-one machine which includes a scanner, copier and a printer. HP printers have come with their compatibility to getting connected to a network other just using the USB. They also have this spec of having the highest duty cycle meaning that they have the highest number of pages that a printer can handle in a month. They also come with memory a card slot which gives the convenience of transferring whatever is to be printed at ease. (Michael Freeman,John Beardsworth, 2009)

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The latest Xerox machine in the line of printers has come with the feature of having a solid ink printing process which means that it melts blocks of ink that are used to print the text needed or the picture to be printed. It thus gives a high quality prints. The printer can be networked using Ethernet cables, ports and parallel ports. The device has a considerable weight of about 38 lbs with very compact measurements of 15.6x13.9x18.6 inches. They are fitted with a 4 MB of flash memory .they have a print cartridge that can print of up to 6,000 pages.

The first page from power save is out within 24 seconds in a HP printer while in a Xerox printer is within 55 seconds. With HP printers, there is a permanent output in that the dry toner becomes permanent when fused. This is different with Xerox solid ink since the ink can scratch off, melt, or even stick to the platens. HP printers have fewer parts to replace as compared to several parts that have to be replaced in a Xerox printer within the first 140,000 pages of printing.(McGrath, 2000)

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HP has fewer consumables and replacement parts which are two key areas through which HP technology has reduced the number of interventions that are required by any printer. HP printers have comparable fewer replacements parts than those printers from Xerox printers. HP toner cartridge capacities usually reduce interventions because there is no need for changing consumables.

HP printers come with standard cartridges which not low capacities are meaning that there is no need for replacements. This is in contrast with printers from Xerox which have low capacity toner cartridge. There is also a difference in the technology to make the average user success in that the HP laser printer normally offers an array of technological innovation which makes the user in the business very easy.

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There is also a difference in the energy usage between HP and Xerox printers. Xerox does not support the energy star. In addition, HP internal testing shows that: HP's laser imaging technology also offers great advantages over the Xerox implementation of light emitting diodes technology.

The technology of laser imaging using HP printers uses a single light source which ensures consistency in the Imaging. In the Xerox's implementation of LED technology in the Xerox phaser can print some horizontal streaks. This is due to the fact that it has a single diode per every pixel to be imaged using the LED technology which can lead to unequal light output decay over time leading to some noticeable banding and streaking. This means that a consumer can benefit from the HP's laser imaging technology due to the consistent results which have fewer streaking effects as compared to those from Xerox technology.

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HP's laser technology of imaging usually offers some very dependable results in its implementation of the LED technology due to the less streaking effects meaning that there is less maintenance of the machine. This is in contrast with the Xerox's LED implementation where the lens has to be cleaned very often to try and overcome the periodical degradation of the print quality. As a result, the consumer is able to benefit from the less maintenance because when they use HP's laser technology rather than Xerox's. Another striking difference is when we compare the paper jams. In HP, you do not need to remove the consumables in order to clear the paper jams when using the HP laser jet printers.

This is in clear contrast when one opts to use the printer from the Xerox as there is the continuous removal of the consumables after paper jams. The HP color laser jets have an outstanding performance when considering a 22-ppm HP with a 26-ppm Xerox. The HP one can have 6250 pages been cleaned up in 30 seconds compared to some less than twenty pages from the Xerox. The HP laser jet can also print about 259 pages in 12 minutes compared to 152 pages from a Xerox printer.(Held, 2008)

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HP also gives an exceptional quality even when in the default mode. In addition HP printer offers the opportunity to print through the use of the wireless technology of Wi-Fi or Bluetooth. Xerox on the other hand does not offer the wireless interface and the compatibility is always an issue when purchasing the printer. The consumer is able to benefit from the use of the HP printer due to the ease of use where one can manage wireless printer while using the same system.

Through the conducted research on the various attributes of the printers, it is evident that printers from HP Company have a guaranteed performance with its wide advantages. Their performance is fast, reliable, cost effective, with quality outputs.

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