Custom «Self Evaluation of Training» Essay Paper Sample

Self Evaluation of Training

I had given a sixteen weeks Clinical Pastoral Education Training, which was a lively experience. The training gave me an opportunity to assess myself as a trainer. I have evaluated my performance in the following areas.

Utilization of Methods

The best use of teaching methodologies is the key feature of any training. I could effectively utilize the clinical processes and methodologies used in pastoral care to convey the exact nature of work to the students.

Leadership Skills

I tried honing my leadership skills in supervising students to attain personal and professional upliftment. I was able to influence students to harness their leadership qualities in conflict resolution, analysis of problems and theological reflections.

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Employing Feedbacks Mechanism

I need to put effort in emphasizing among students the necessity of taking feedbacks through periodic peer reviews so that they know the areas where they have to improve. I should learn to convince them that listening to the experiences of others aids gaining expertise in short time. I could render ideas for self formation and personal reflection successfully.

Conducting Group Activities, Peer Reviews and Enabling Sharing of Spiritual Beliefs

I could very well involve students in group discussions and conduct classes for them so that they could attain their set goals. I have to improve on organizing such group discussions regularly and encourage active participation of students. Besides this I need to learn to teach them to share their spiritual beliefs with others who may sometimes differ in opinion.

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