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Tracing the Wires of the Brain

As read from the article, it is clear that the brain, similar to an electrical circuit, has connections. Unlike a circuit relying on wires for connection, the brain uses the nervous system for transmitting signals to different regions and body regions (Shorvon, 2009). The brain comprises of many parts playing different roles in the human body. Similarly, as with other body parts, a human brain is prone to health conditions that alter the normal functioning. Epilepsy, chronic brain condition, is an example of these conditions contributing to an alteration of brain functioning. The paper is a discussion on epilepsy and its impacts on the human brain (Engel, 2007).

As highlighted earlier, epilepsy, a condition contributing to abnormal brain cell activities, strikes different regions leading to a variety of behaviors based on the region stroked. In other words, the condition refers to temporal seizures (disruptions of the nervous electrical signals).There are various factors attributed to the condition. Some of the common causative agents include: mutant genes, brain injury and, as well, other diseases. Epilepsy as a health condition has several negative impacts on its victims (Appleton, 2009).

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The common brain regions mostly affected by the condition include; frontal lobe, parietal lobe, temporal lobe and limbic system. These regions contribute to different symptoms experienced by victims. A jerk is a common symptom of the frontal lobe seizure while some sensory symptoms are because of the parietal lobe. Additionally, mood swings and intestinal symptoms indicate temporal lobe epilepsy. Lastly, severe epilepsy conditions in victims, symbolized by moments of unconsciousness, are symptoms of an affected limbic system of the brain (Shorvon, 2009).

2. Epilepsy Anatomy Discussion

Normal functioning of the brain cell comprises of electrical impulses between the receptor and motor neurons of the brain. Individuals faced by epilepsy often have an inability of their brain cells shutting down these impulses. As a result, they experience over-simulation (hyperactive) impulses and responses of certain brain parts (Engel, 2007).

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Temporal lobe region refers to the brain part extending along the brain sides. Normally, the temporal lobe plays a role in facilitating function such as vision, sound and, as well, taste. In addition, nerves in the temporal region connect the brain to organs, such as taste and smell receptors. Thus, an interruption in these impulses contributes to symptoms such as smell changes (Shorvon, 2009).

On the other hand, the occipital lobe, the brain part with a close interrelationship with the parietal region, is a region found behind the temporal lobe. Occipital nerve, connecting the brain with receptor organs, has a role of enhancing interpretation of visual images and controlling eye movement. Similarly, an interruption in these impulses contributes to severe symptoms such as involuntary eye movements and visual hallucinations (Engel, 2007).

Apparently, frontal lobe refers to the fore region of the brain. The region plays the role of controlling both voluntary and involuntary functioning of organs. Therefore, the region has a role in promoting certain body functions, such as muscle contraction and expansion, thus enhancing movement and other normal body functioning. Nerves within this region have a connection with the neocortex responsible for generating impulses. Interruption (seizure) of these impulses, on the other hand, lead to irregular kicking movements (Appleton, 2009).

Lastly, limbic system of the brain, another epilepsy target region refers to critical brain structures buried under the neocortex. These structures often have a connection with the hypothalamus and significantly influence emotions and motivation. Impulses generated by the limbic system control pleasure feelings and sexual behavior. Interruptions of these impulses significantly contribute to unconsciousness of patients (Appleton, 2009).

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3. Interrelationship with the Article’s Connection

Epilepsy and brain connection have a high interrelationship. Through the three-dimensional nanoscale imaging by the computer system, doctors and pathologists will have the opportunity of having comprehensive view of the affected brain regions. Additionally, in relation to the memory theory, doctors will easily understand hallucinations, often experienced by epilepsy victims. It will grant them the opportunity of understanding the functioning of the brain during information saving and retrieval. As a future benefit, control and treatment of epilepsy will be easier.

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