Custom «NFL Targets the Unruly Fan» Essay Paper Sample

NFL Targets the Unruly Fan

NFL responded to the general concern that the increase of unruly behavior by fans have led to decrease of attendance the games by various patrons who feel that this kind of behavior is unacceptable at venues where children might be in attendance. This has led to the formulation of a code of conduct by NFL which is expected to bring some semblance of decency in the way fans celebrate and express disappointment during games. One of the strategies identified and adopted by NFL is the implementation of a system to identify unruly fans at games. This system allows spectators to send a text message to facility security. The only one thing is clear from this article. This text messaging system helps to reduce unruly behavior in stadiums and make fans more confidence those who were afraid to attend games previously. They will be protected from violent behaviour.

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McCarthy (2008) asserts that the effectiveness of this text messaging system is its discreetness and the swift response that it draws from the relevant authority. Some people have expressed concern that it might be used by some pranksters or people who want to cause discomfort or inconvenience others. McCarthy through interviewing NFL security argues that a few pranksters cannot make a system that benefits many more genuine fans be scrapped. This is because after the text has been sent, the authority responds quickly and applies the necessary sanctions against the offenders. These include removing them from the games, no refunds for their tickets and canceling their season tickets. This system can be made more effective if the text numbers will be displayed in areas where they are easily visible and if more sanctions are imposed on the offenders.

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