Custom «Vergils Aeneid and Politics» Essay Paper Sample

Vergils Aeneid and Politics

An epic story is concerned with the original story and the subsequent development that make the story. There are several ways in which contemporary politics can be induced into the epic they include: Praepositio; it includes starting a story with a theme. The situation is initiated and the story then follows. Invocation directs that before starting to write anything an intervention is needed to tell a great story. In medias res; the hero is depicted at his lowest point. It employs flashback to shows the full experience of the hero. Enumeratio; it is the list of the objects, places, people involved and the actions undertaken by the broader society within the context. Epithet is the use of repetition of several phrases within the context to bring out some ideas that are meant to be of great importance. Politics is a quest of heroic striving. The epic literature is a narration that contains heroic deeds and various cultures that nations believe in. politics is actually a series of events that depicts a person as a hero.

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The story of Aeneid revolves around the journey to Italy. It all about the statement that one time Italy was to be faced by racism and uprising will happen that will be famous across the world then the whoever not chosen by the Paris judgment would face destruction from the descendants of Aeneas. The roman emperor was under the leadership Augustus Ceaser the emperor was concerned about reforming the roman emperor by introduction of the values that empire used to have. The Aneneid was depicted as a man that that was loyal and was a hero according to his people. He was also credited for developing Rome without selfish interest but for the interest of the Roman Empire. Aeneid himself was involved in a plot to support recognition of the Julius Caesar rule.

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The political class in the book was depicted as group that was worked selfless to lead their country to prosperity. Aeneid is depicted as being very patriot to his people and the Romans. The roman politics was centered on men being suppressing women. Women were considered passive compared to their male counterparts. Their opinion was considered unworthy and lacked direction. Virgil wrote about the use of goddess by Aeneid. He pointed out the role of the goddess in ending of Jupiter rule.

"Let Latium be, let Alban kings live through the centuries,

Let Rome be powerful with Italian strength:

But Troy fell, Troy fall with her name."

Virgil used his message to pass some information about the political turmoil and also the prosperity that is brought out by the political stability. As it is depicted in the book the life of the Aeneid was full of complexities but the end was sudden leaving it hanging. According to the statement ending, there is a possibility that Virgil died before he finished his work. The conflict between the romans and Greeks was convened by the Juno he was responsible in convincing the Latium queen. He took part in starting the trouble by summoning several individuals to stirrer up the war. Aeneas was adversely affected by the war therefore he sought refuge from the enemies of the Italians.

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The war was prevented by Tuscan until Aeneas came back from exile. The Queen wanted Tarnus to marry Lavinia. Lavia originated from the Greek side while Turnus was roman. According to the Virgil book, Aenied prophesied on the rise and fall of the Rome Empire. Augustus and the ancestors and the war between the Carthage was projected by the book as part of the prophecies of Aenied. Aenied predicted that Augustus was going to win the war.

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