Custom «Key Results Areas» Essay Paper Sample

Key Results Areas

Key Result Area refers to the general areas of outcomes and outputs for which departments roles are responsible. In other terms, Key Result Area may also be referred to as primary responsibilities of individuals, the main area that every person is accountable. Wallace indicates that in the case of an organisation, Key Result Area captures about 80 percent of the work role, while the rest is devoted to areas of shared responsibilities, such as helping team members and participating in other activities, which enhances the organisation. For instance, the image of an organisation is mostly a Key Result Area for very senior officials, although the employees may have contributed to the positive image of the organisation. This paper critically analyses ways of managing personal work priorities and professional. 

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Question 1: Definition and Characteristics of Key Result Area

            By clarify appropriate KRAs individuals are able to clarify their roles, aligning their roles to organisations’ strategic plan or business and they are able to focus on results instead of activities. Further, they are able to communicate their roles purposes to the others, setting objectives and goals, which makes value added decisions and prioritizing their activities, thus improving their work management. Wallace indicates that every Key Result Area should capture at least 5% of the entire work role both at individual and organisational levels. Some of the KRAs include training, management, purchasing, research & development, administration, finance and marketing key result areas. It is worth noting that key result area is an important part of achieving the expected outcomes. Unlike in the organisation or in teams where the outputs are judged collectively, individual key area result is judged singularly. For instance, in a hockey team, there is no any player who is responsible for wins; this is the outcome for the whole team. The goaltender has the role of stopping the shots and secondary Key Result Area of stopping the rebounds. The defence position is accountable for pucking away from the net, as well as getting puck out. All these may be worded as shot on net and defensive zone control

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Question 2: One Key Result Area Applicable To My Situation

As a shop owner, developing appropriate KRAs would be vital for achieving desired goal of customer satisfaction. The main objectives will be to raise the customer satisfaction in order to attract and retain the existing customers. To achieve this, I will ensure that customers visiting my shop get adequate after sale services and regular offers of products sold. Further, I will advertise the products being sold on my shop through social media, radio and television.

Question 3: Technology Required

It is worth noting that technology plays a vital role in attaining the desired key result area. Technology makes it possible to catalyzing the way processes are undertaken towards work role. For instance, by employing technology such as Facebook, Twitter among other notable forms of social media, I will be able to raise the level of customers’ satisfaction. This is due to the fact that these modern forms of customer interactions, allows business owners to solve customers’ queries instantly, thus creating more profit.

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Question 4: Maintaining work-life balance

It is appropriate to maintain a work-life balance as well as manage stress and the health of individual, in order to attain the desired KRA. To do this, individuals are encouraged to engage in social activities such as joining health clubs, set aside adequate time for family matters among other notable activities, such as visiting doctors for regular medical checks.


From the above information, it is clear that KRA, which constitutes over 80% of the intended work, is important for attaining short and long-term plans at individual and organisational level.

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