Custom «Management as a Tool of Success» Essay Paper Sample

Management as a Tool of Success

The National Association of manufactures takes perceives management in a more positive manner. It views management in a more positive role associated with innovations and adherence to the set standards. In addition, it vies management as a tool for excellence and delivery in the organization’s goals. According to NAM, management is perceived as the process of addressing concerns relating to employees and customers in the business environment. National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation, on the other hand, views management as a tool for employee frustration. It advocates for employees rights on any wrong action committed by their bosses. It further views management as an impediment to the career progress of the employees in the organization. The management is just there to frustrate employees by sacking them unfairly; this means a lot for the union. Management is also viewed as a tool for fund embezzlement (Nickels, McHugh and McHugh, 135).

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I agree with the National Association of Manufactures view that management is a tool for prosperity in any given organization. NAM also perceives management as the general light for the organization’s achievement. I agree with this view because the management in organizations is involved in various activities such as coordinating, leading, planning, and organizing. It ensures that these activities are well done for the achievement of the organization’s objectives. The management is not in place to frustrate the employees but to discipline and correct them

whenever they go astray. In addition, management of resources is vital for any organization to succeed. Lack of management would result in excess wastage of resources and continued misconduct among employees as there is no person to offer direction. Management also ensures that the rights of both employees and customers are catered for through adoption of the corporate social responsibility. Management is generally there for efficiency and achievement.

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