Custom «Strategic Leadership in Healthcare» Essay Paper Sample

Strategic Leadership in Healthcare

This report focuses on the duty of TriWest Healthcare Alliance whose main duty is to manage the healthcare for the active duty and the retired service members and their families. Triwest having extended their services to the west region gained them the second five year contact in 2001. Following their increment in responsibility TriWest had a deal to increase its members of stuff thus encouraging transition in the leadership and responsibilities. To promote leadership, TriWest focused on instituting a department that had to deal with the development of leadership.

The program to institute the leadership development department was based on the idea that the leaders had insufficient skills for quality delivery. So, to embark on this program this report highlights the major steps taken to bring about transition in the alliance. TriWest focused on the fundamentals necessary to improve the way of leadership and the tools to promote these fundamentals. It also focuses on the leadership training as per level of the employee and the specialization of the employee with reference to effective leadership. By this, TriWest basis a short courses for the management competencies.

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The report expounds the set managerial steps to enrich the employee behaviour, motivation and the strengths. The leadership improvement is based on the relationship between the skills acquired and the behavioural assessment for the leaders. From this report, it is clear that the leaders had incorporated the right information that was based on their will to improve on the team and personal effectiveness. Lastly, it is clear from this report that through the developed strategies, TriWest Healthcare Alliance reduced the atrocities target for various departments from approximately 35 percent to less than 25 percent. strategies, TriWest Healthcare Alliance reduced the atrocities target for various departments from approximately 35 percent to less than 25 percent.

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