Custom «Structural Designer» Essay Paper Sample

Structural Designer

In the changing world, structural designing has become a crucial and involving task that requires eminent skills to work in consideration to the diverse needs concerning its regulation. As a structural designer, one should understand that the setting up of structures or buildings is becoming more complicated because of exposure to multiple risks. These risks include the use of loading cases, which are sophisticated, and threats of blasts and progressive collapse. In this note, structural designers must adopt the best possible technology to enhance designing, organizing, and analyzing structures. To comply with the set regulations, structural designers have to utilise appropriate structural design software and structural analysis software that help to analyse and review their work with respect to the set standards (Nadel 2004, p. 241). Nonetheless, structural designers need to work in collaboration with other professionals like architects and researchers to learn and become more enlightened on the changing aspects of structural engineering.

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All human activities have some impact on the environment. The effects could be beneficial or with adverse consequences. In this regard, it is essential to ensure that most of the undertakings are in correlation with environmental rehabilitation or protection. Concerning structural engineering, pollution and waste disposal are the most common practises that lead to the destruction of the environment. Inefficient use of sources of energy could lead to wastage of valuable resources (Curley 2006, p. 152). Therefore, it is critical that human beings adopt measures and policies that ensure their activities are in accordance with the protection of the environment. The key areas to look into are the waste disposal mechanism and use of energy saving facilities . At the same time, specialists like structural engineers have to ensure that the structures they set up meet the terms of environmental regulation to avoid issues like global warming through pollution. Such initiatives will significantly enhance the protection of the biodiversity in the ecosystem and ensure that the biodiversity lives in a conducive and friendly environment. Similarly, natural resources will be appropriately utilised and enable efficient and considerate allocation of resources to meaningful projects.

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Health and safety management practise in structural engineering is crucial to the participants. This warrants effective attainment of the set regulations and protection of individuals within the field. Since the designers may not have access to the management and control over the actual construction of the project, there are several key factors that they need to consider at the designing stage. Designers should provide guidance regarding the safe construction of the designed building or structure (Barber 2002, p. 186). This is achieved through minimisation of hazards and provision for identified hazards arising from an unconventional design. Similarly, designers should apply safe design principles in new approaches concerning traditional designs and processes to eliminate various risks and realize intrinsically safe buildings and structures.

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The adoption of health and safety management practices places the greatest responsibility concerning structure development and maintenance on designers. Since designers are mostly involved at the integral part of the design process, they need to ensure that there is consideration of safe design outcomes for the end users and maintenance individuals. Moreover, this practise ensures that any procedure, product, or system developed by designers is safe and practicable for anyone who interacts with it. In this regard, designers should be knowledgeable on the workplace hazards and their detrimental effects. Moreover, they should understand the basic laws of the occupational safety and requirements (James 1996, p. 298). This knowledge will enable them define their responsibilities appropriately to avoid any dire consequence that might result from the disregard of such responsibilities. Nonetheless, the designers’ designing principles should sufficiently consider the human behaviour with regard to safety and convenience.

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To ensure that designers adhere to the health and safety management measures, the Construction Design & Management (CDM) 2007 regulations govern the practices of designers and other participants in the same field. The regulation act gives designers the appropriate knowledge and measures concerning the health and safety of workers involved in the industry. Furthermore, adequate strategies are employed to guarantee effective planning and management of risks. The measures outlined in the Act give designers humble time to select and give prospects on the number of workers required for a particular task. If a designer complies with the set standards of the Act and acquires certification, the chances of risks occurring are minimal hence guaranteeing the safety of the workers involved at the construction (Curley 2006, p.286). Even after the completion of the construction process, users are guaranteed of their safety within and around the structures.

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For the effective guarantee of risk-free buildings and structures, the designer must undertake a risk identification and elimination processes. In this regard, he or she should consider whether the building or the structure’s risks apply to the outlined checklist of hazards. In the event that the project is new and unique, the designer should come up with a unique hazard checklist suitable for the project. Additionally, there exist risk assessment tools and records of structures similar to the one the designer is working on which could be used for further analysis of the risk implications (James 1996, p. 302). This therefore implies that for a designer to achieve the health and safety standards, he or she must conduct a constructability review using the available information. Additionally, when the designer is not knowledgeable enough, he or she could consult relevant materials that outline the standards, codes and guidance regarding occupational safety and health issues.

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