Custom «Contract and Event Catering» Essay Paper Sample

Contract and Event Catering

Contrary to the common belief, contract and event catering is a wide and complex field that requires multidisciplinary adaptation to be successful. The organization of any single event requires knowledge of the culinary, finance and law disciplines particularly concerning contracts and event catering. Different events require different types of catering and contracting procedures.

Off-premise catering is a kind of service that requires little room space since food is served in a place far away from the premises. In this regard, only a kitchen and transport facilities for events that are some distance off the premises are required. If necessary, one may subcontract another company to provide the accessory services such as entertainment.This kind of catering requires a person with dynamic skills that can adapt to different environments. An earlier visit of the location of the event is necessary to avoid inconveniencies on the day of the event.

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On-premises catering are events that are held on the premises of the catering company. To offer this kind of a service, less dynamic skills are required. A narrow budget and low overheads enable the catering company or contractor to offer low prices for their services.To avoid inconveniences, when collecting the pay for services offered, a contract should be drawn between the caterer and the customer. The contract should indicate the type of services to be offered and their charges. In addition, the contract should indicate the amount of deposit money paid when booking for the services of the caterer.However, the contract terms should not be too intimidating or aggressive from the customers’ point of view. Unfriendly language in the catering business turns away customers. The total cost of all the services should be predetermined before the time of contract signing to avoid mistrust between the caterer and the customer.

Before hosting an event, the caterer should know the number of guests that can fit in the available space, and inform the customer before starting the negotiation. In addition, personal details such as the time and location of the event and the services to be provided are included in the contract. An insurance coverage over some risky situations may be necessary depending on the setting of the event.Furthermore, employees require an insurance cover against any kind of injury while in the course of duty. In the event that the cancellation of the contract occurs much earlier than the threshold time, a full refund of the deposit money may be done. However, the caterer may retain some of the deposit funds if the withdrawal of the customer from the contract was too late.

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In some events, a caterer should expect diverse cultural values and preferences. Diversity in food preferences in an event where cultural values are varied is inevitable. In this regard, the caterer should enquire from the customer on the expected estimate of cultural value variety at the function. Furthermore, the type of food served at an event is subject to age variations. Older people will prefer different food from the younger people.

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