Custom «Journey of Life» Essay Paper Sample

Journey of Life

Voyage de la vie or the ‘Journey of life’, is a circus theatre presented by Resort World Sentosa in collaboration with The Generating Company which is an international circus company producing large scale shows such as ‘Voyage de la vie’ itself and ‘Aqua’ which is acknowledged as the world’s largest water show in southern China. Voyage de la vie is the first ever theatrical circus show created in Singapore.

Voyage de la vie is a 90 minute fast-paced show about a young man undertaking an adventurous journey towards adulthood explained through music and circus acts.

The story begins by introducing the main protagonist simply called the ‘boy’ (Jonathon Leong) who feels that he is trapped in his 9 to 5 desk job, he meets a mysterious being The Game Master (Alexey Goloborodko) who draws him into a phenomenal world where he meets characters who represent different themes such as love, temptation, conflict as well as life and death.

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The main elements of this circus include the fast paced action, its enchanting music and its bold stunts and tricks. The characters of the game master and the boy are worth acclaim as no one can keep their eyes of them. Other acts worth mentioning are juggling routine and the Game master’s control over his seemingly boneless body are all very amazing.

The show is quite unpredictable as throughout the 90 minutes the viewers would keep guessing how the story will unfold next. The costumes are breathtaking helping the characters convey their emotions easily along with the lighting and the arrangement of the set creating an amazing scenario at the circus.

The show has an international cast invited from 16 countries to perform in this circus; all artists are renowned for their skills around the world. The team consists of highly experienced musicians, artists, set designers, performers and award winning jugglers.

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The most fascinating thing about the show is how it contains a lot of Western notions with Eastern notions.Voyage is one of the rare productions which you would only enjoy if you have a better seat.

The main casts consist of Jonathon Leong from Singapore, LinnaAunole from Finland, MartiiPeltonen from Finland and Jarret and Raja from USA.

Jonathon Leong: A renowned face of the Singapore music scene, he was taught music from a very early age. He studied classical piano at the age of seven and fourteen at St. Joseph’s institution. In 2006 he took part in the Singapore Idol and ended up as the runner up.

LiinaAunole: She is famous for her rope and cloud swing act. She was enrolled in the SorinSirkus at the age of 11 in her hometown. She majored in circus arts, she has since performed a wide variety of acts from circuses to dance companies, theatre and opera’s as well.

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MartiiPeltonen: He is a bow and arrow shooter, before joining the Voyage de la vie he was a demolition man for 10 years.

Jarret& Raja: Known as the Master Magician and Piano genius, Jarret and Raja bring to Singapore their amazing blend of magic and music. They became famous after 1998 Christmas event at the Friar Club, he asked his friend Raja Rahman to add a bit of music to his magic after which the mix of music and magic took the act to another level and he duo of Jarret& Raja was formed. Since then there was no turning back, the have achieved accolades from millions. They have performed on the stages of Asia, Europe, and America. In 2007 they were asked to star in the ‘Elements’.

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