Custom «Pulp Fiction» Essay Paper Sample

Pulp Fiction

Pulp Fiction was a crime fiction movie directed by Quentin Tarantino and produced in America in 1994. It features outrageously violent, time twisting language. The movie talks about the lives of two gang hit men, a fighter, a gangster’s wife and a pair of diner crooks that interlock in four tales of violence and liberation. Pulp Fiction movie is widely known for its rich, assorted critique, ironic mix of humor and violence. According to Quentin (1994), it is considered as the most influential American movie of 1990s, and it has been nominated for seven Oscars. Two of those Oscars were for the best original screenplay and best supporting actor. Forrest Gump who was the main rival went away with the rest.

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The movie is directed in a highly stylized mode. It traverses storyline of Los Angeles hoodlums, fringe players, petty criminals and mystifying briefcase. Pulp Fiction was the best movie of the 1994 and the most misunderstood films. The movie encompasses three stories, but it is not an omnibus because they connect. (Glyn, 2002) This movie does not follow the sequential arrangement as a character gets shot dead in the middle of the film, yet returns again at the end because of its odd continuity. The four stories of this movie are straightforward since the first one deal with two lovers Pumpkin and Honey Bunny who decides to rob a restaurant. They meet two hit men one of them named Vincent. Vincent features taking his boss’s wife out, while the boss is out of the city. The greatest thing about Pulp Fiction is that the stories featured are deep than they echo and supremely rational. The whole scene works in terms of humor, although criticize for being violent.

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Vincent Vega and Jules Winnfield are in a car discussing of how to reach an apartment to reclaim an attaché of Marcellus and the lodgers. Once inside the house, a third man hiding in the bathroom bursts out shooting but misses hitting both Jules and Vincent. (Glyn, 2002) They take Marvin their culprit into their car directing it to Marcellus bar, but Vincent shot him on the head accidentally. This causes massive confusion inside the car, Jules decides to call an old friend of his called Jimmie, and they drive off to his house to clean up the whole mess.

Jules and Vincent cleans up the car and changes into some shorts and t-shirts given to them by Jimmie. Later on, they haul the car on a track and disposes of both the car and the body. They go for a diner to eat before dropping off the attaché case in Marcellus bar. While, in the restaurant, two psychopaths stage a burglary and collect wallets. Jules refuses to let go of the case but parts with his wallet. Early in the morning, Vincent and Jules deliver their cache to Marcellus bar. Vincent is to accompany Marcellus’s wife Mia out for dinner dressed in a black suit and they both sniff coke and take their leave. (Quentin, 1994) They get the evening going on well until Mia snorts the heroin in Vincent is jacked mistaking it for coke. She is forced to the heroin dealer, and they revived her. While back in Mia’s apartment, they both agree to keep the whole bizarre a secret. What makes the plot different from the story is that there are three different stories featured in this, and their narration is in different intercourses.

The first scene of the movie is all about Vincent and Mia. This is the most intriguing part of the story followed by Vincent and his pal Jules. The last part of this story involves Vincent, Jules and Marcellus. At the end of it all, the four stories connect. (Glyn, 2002) Pulp Fiction movie has followed the Freytag's Pyramid model. This is because it is a comedy that contains many images ranging from unwarranted violence and gore. These images as described in the story is, a young man whose brains were sprayed across the back of the car window, a woman whose lips turns blue after sniffing heroin and many other incidences.

A story in a movie consists of the narratives events that are presented, or those that are supposed to have happened. A plot in a movie is a structure presenting what is seen and heard in a film. Diegetic elements in a film represent the total world of the whole story, characters, objects, the events, sounds and settings. On the other hand, non-diegetic elements are things seen and heard on the screen, but come from the outer world of the narrative. The outer world is represented by the background music, titles or voice over comment from the relater. (Quentin, 1994) A plot order can be manipulated to enhance the presentation of the events in a non-sequential cycle highlighting the significance. Satellite is insignificant events that add texture and complexity to characters. Hubs are events in the plot that forces characters to choose an alternative path. Repetition is an occasion of events more than once, and this suggests a pattern or in other words, a level of importance.

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