Custom «The 9-11 Commission Report» Essay Paper Sample

The 9-11 Commission Report

Following the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack in the U.S, the citizens of the country demanded that a report must be provided to give a clear explanation of the occurrence of that tragedy. It was a day in the history of the country when it experienced suffering and unprecedented shock. The questions of how it happened and how such incidences could be avoided in future were raised. The 9-11 Commission Report explains vividly how the whole incident took place and the immediate action that was taken by the security personnel. It also gives recommendations for safeguarding against future attacks.

The report has been well presented and its purpose clearly stated. The subject matter can be easily understood since it is clearly pointed out at the beginning of the report. It accommodates the numerous needs of its diverse audience through the use of an interactive and user friendly language. The report is also based on findings from a diverse audience. In particular, the drafters of the report interviewed more than 1,200 people in ten countries. The report has clear and distinguished headings which describe different events which ensued on that fateful day. It also has sub-headings which highlight smaller incidences under the main headings. From the introduction of the report, the tone is authoritative as it goes on to warn those behind the attack of the expected consequences. In general the report uses very simple language, right punctuations and has the right tone. As such, it can be easily understood by other English language users who are not Americans.

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