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Egyptian Art

The paper is a critical examination of Egyptians art. What are brought forth in this essay are the main characteristics of the Egyptians arts as well as what art mean to the Egyptians. It is worth noting from the onset that art has been used to describe varied culture, in this case Egypt is no exception.

Egyptian art is the style in which ancient Egyptians especially from 5000BC to about 300AD used to paint, making sculptures, crafts, as well as architecture. Additionally, it is worth remembering that ancient art in Egypt was totally different from what we see today informs of temples and pyramids of the pharaoh times (Robins, 2001).

Historically, it was as from as early as the eight millennium that those who lived in lower Nile valley started making engrave drawings on cliffs. This was used to show the basics of their way of life which incorporated life in the wild, hunting scenarios, herds of cattle. On the same note, these people used long lasting materials to show case their piece of art for instance stones and ivory (Charlotte, 2001). Additionally, there were incidences where pottery vessels that were place where one was buried, figures of people as well as animals and female whose sexual attributes had been portrayed in an abnormal manner leaves us to suggest that these individuals were closely linked to issue related to fertility.

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According to Charlotte, 2001 it is worth noting again that Egyptian art are so distinct and can be retrieved by any body and relate it to early Egyptians art, thanks to their well spelt out characteristics. The art was expressed in form of paintings and sculptures both being very symbolized and stylized. The origin of most of the art is from tombs and monuments; this suggests that these individuals laid serious consideration on life after death as well as safeguarding indigenous knowledge.

Main characteristics of Egyptians arts

As previously mentioned, the distinguishing characteristics of Egyptian art are what make it possible for every one to distinguish them from museums as well as printed media. The main characteristic of Egyptian art is that it did change very little through out the seven periods of artistic development. These periods include predynastic, old kingdom, middle kingdom, new kingdom, Amarna period, late period and Ptolemaic.

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According to Robins, 2001 various paintings as well as other form of art in Egypt tended to have very clear as well as hierrogyphic characteristics on them. For instance, most of the Egyptian arts comprised of some of the gods the Egyptians worshipped, had gold as well as being engraved. Additionally several of the art pieces were a bit complex made up of certain symbols and markings that depicted certain attributes for instance the social status of the person, whether the sculpture represent someone who is alive or dead. The symbol and marking used for this include hands crossed that hold the ankh

Another distinguishing characteristic of Egyptian art is the use of a grid having eighteen squares so that attaining suitable and accurate proportion of figure is guaranteed. For instance a figure that was to be portrayed while standing had to exactly measure six cubits.

On the same note, Egyptian art have within it a sense of deep humanity. This has played a major role in making such arts be recognized and appreciated after thousands of years. The personalities that the art tried to depict are still with use, additionally the scenes that the art tried to depict are also still with us and are very familiar with each and every individual around the globe (Andrews, 2010).

During the middle kingdom era, the pieces of art that depicted the pharaoh as being a perfect being were left behind and what was adopted was a painting and sculpture that showed them being very old and wrinkled. Later during the new kingdom period, the artist returned to art that portrayed pharaohs in the perfect way as being young and invincible.

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As suggested by Andrews, 2010 another main characteristic was the use of blue-green color that resembled turquoise that was linked to Hathor, the important goddess. Metals were also used in making statues, temple fittings as well as cult implements. It is worth noting that gold and silver were also employed in making cult statues. These two metals were not used in region as a result of the value as well as the association the Egyptians had with especially gold. Generally, speaking the main characteristics of Egyptian art are the three elements it emphasized, engraving, painting and sculpturing.

What art mean to Egyptians

Although art in other regions especially in the west was viewed as an act of personal expression, in Egypt, this was not the case rather it heavy symbolize their culture, beliefs, way of life and religion. Considering the fact that some ancient art constituted herds of cattle, scenes in hunting, this meant that Egyptians especially those in the lower Nile valley were hunter gatherers as well as nomadic. Similarly, some painting had mages of festivals as well as battles this shown Egyptians where they have come from hence their history (Charlotte, 2001).

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In the same line, there were also incidences where there were pottery engraved with some writing place beside where a dead person was buried. This clearly depicted that Egyptians believed in life after death (Robins, 2001). Similarly, the well crafted pieces of art especially concerning architecture clearly shows us that Egyptian hold dear their style in construction of houses as well as other infrastructure.

When it comes to religion, most of the art do have some show casing of religion. The most important gods as well as goddess have been incorporated and engraved in metals, painted as well as sculptured. On the same note, most of the art of the ancient time in Egypt shows how important the people held it as it depicted the influence of their kings. Last but not least, art linked most of the Egyptians with their natural world. Most of the art especially painting did clearly demonstrate the association between man and nature (Robins, 2001)

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From the review of Egyptian arts, it is apparent that there are clear characteristic that make the art very easy to distinguish from museums as well as print media such as books. On the same note, art meant a lot to Egyptians not like what there culture might see-an expression of personal feeling. To Egyptians art represent their culture as well as religion.

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