Custom «Increasing Student Participation in Korean EFL Classrooms» Essay Paper Sample

Increasing Student Participation in Korean EFL Classrooms

The purpose of this paper is to review and discuss important points in an article titled "Motivational Strategies to Increase Student Participation in Korean EFL Classrooms: A Teacher's Perspective" which focuses on students attitude toward English as a foreign language (EFL) South Korean universities. The writer of this paper has displayed good knowledge and understanding of the topic covered. One area that the writer has exhibited exemplary knowledge is the objectives, analysis and recommendations sections. Under this the writer has stated and explained the four basic motivational strategies that can be used by teachers in motivating students who are pursuing English as a foreign language. This means that as linguistic teachers, if we follow all the steps given by the writer then we will be in a better position to understand the student behavior and come up with the best motivation strategies that will motivate them to take on English as a foreign language. Apart from the four motivational strategies another important thing that cannot be overlooked is that the author has stated six steps that can be used by teacher to help address student's beliefs and help them change their attitude towards English as a foreign language. This is because the success of any project depends on the positive attitude than one has towards it. Another area that the writer has "scored big" is in the referencing, the writer has good knowledge of the formatting style that used.

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It is therefore wise to say that the author has extensively covered all areas under study; however I feel that in some areas he has used strong vocabularies that might be hard for non English speaking persons to understand. Another area that the author needs to improve on is the general formatting of the paper; it is noticeable that the font size and alignment is not uniform throughout the paper. For instance the alignment and font size in abstract section is different from the rest of the paper. These are the few areas that the author needs to correct.

It is an educative and informative paper and if the suggestions given are put in practice by teachers, then most students in South Korean universities will gladly take on English as a foreign language. It is an excellent paper.

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