Custom «Narrative Styles of Dakhmeh» Essay Paper Sample

Narrative Styles of Dakhmeh

Noori has fully made use of persona to indirectly narrate the story in the book and further relay the desired message to the readers with a strong sense of touch. The descriptive language of the persona further prompts potential readers to visualize all scenes within the book with due precision and accuracy. The stories are narrated in a lively yet varying tone that sustains readers’ enthusiasm throughout the entire chapters of the book. Secondly, extensive use of enriching literary styles and devices such as simile, metaphor, irony, imagery, symbolism and suspense makes the book highly captivating and interesting to readers. As a result, the author articulately relays his political and socio-economic themes.

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The four female characters namely Jzaleh, Mayam, Naazi and Parvaneh are featured in the book to corroborate the lowly position of women in the Iranian society. As illustrated by the persona, women are just but submissive subjects whose sole duty is to gratify men’s sexual desire in the wider Islamic society. They are simple sex slaves.

The Iranian society is highly stratified into distinct social classes; each class is marked by specific privileges its members are entitled to in the society. Women such as Jzaleh constitute the very poor; Hameed and Taghi represent the lower working class; Mr. Soleymanni represents the middle class; while Khomeini and his contemporaries are the wealthy in the Iranian society.

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The hallucinations and dreams of Arash place special emphasis on the dire need to liberate the country from the oppressive rule of blood-thirsty tyrants. Arash’s dreams call upon the oppressed mass to rise up and revolt against the regime of the dictator Khomeini and his followers. As depicted in the book, this is the only way through which the sufferings and civic oppression of the Iranian people could be abolished for good.

Mr. Soleymanni (formerly known as Taghi) is man from a poor background who later turned into wealthy security personnel serving in the Khomeini as a secret police within the intelligence service. Unlike other followers of the Khomeini regime, Mr. Soleymanni is opposed to the idea of governing the state based on the Koran Shah laws. Mr. Soleymanni is crucial in the novel because he is a symbol of the counter-revolutionary movement in Iran. He is exceptionally reasonable and compassionate in dealing with the Iranian civilians compared to other brutal Khomeini followers.

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The dogs symbolize unclean and despised beings in the Iranian society under the Islamic rule. They are referred to as master-less beasts (nagess) and carrier of diseases thus their subjection to abuses both in the private and public fronts. As used in the book, the term “dogs” similarly refers to the very poor in the society.

The tragic story of Feerooz accentuates on the injustices perpetrated against the innocent Iranians when the Islamic rule was introduced in the country as well as Feerooz’s stiff resistance to the rule. The true Iranian patriots never yielded to the oppression but struggled to liberate their country up to the point of death. The hard born struggle against the Islamists invaders by Feerooz relates so well with Arash’s opposition of the Islamist rule in the book.

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It is evident from the last line of the novel that Arash died much at peace. He counted himself better than Feeroz because he was never buried in a foreign land. “As he looked up at the sky now, the same blue sky he had been looking at every day since he had been back, he knew he was home”.

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