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The Effects of the Nyodene D Gas

According to the severity of the effects of the Nyodene D gas on the life of humans the real condition seems to be worse than the self-created one and it matters. This is because the intoxication of the Nyodene D gas could cause premature death among other harmful effects. The truth of the matter is that the gas has harmful side effects on the children irrespective of the nature of such effects.

However, the harmful gas has a long term effect on humans and that is the reason to why the writer uses a young girl as the illustrate tool. The fact is that young girls cannot experience miscarriage and if she has to experience it she will have to attain the age of maturity which will take a long time. More also, the real effect of the harmful gas is a mystery and unknown to the scientists. In support of this point, the scientists are announcing different side effects of this gas to the public through televisions and radios at different times thus it appears that some of the effects are more of self-created than real.

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More also, the harmful gas causes fear on young children which poses the risk to their lives. Scientists have used radios and televisions to make the announcement, and bearing in mind that many young girls were listening and watching the bad news that poses the risk to the lives of girls since many young girls receive first hand information. However, this is a real effect of the harmful gas which will have to be experienced even without the physical contact with it. In support of this point, Jack sees that the hands of the young girls are wet because of fear long before she has contact with the gas. The fear which is in the girl's mind seems to demoralize her as well as those next her which is an effect of the emergence of the harmful gas.

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