Custom «Change Implementation within Organization» Essay Paper Sample
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The management of change within an organization is a vital role that requires high standards of discipline from all the parties involved. The function of change management is given key emphasis in every department to avoid the degradation of system performance within the organization (Cameron & Green, 2009). The process calls for prior identification and planning of all the changes that need to be implemented.
Role of Manager in the Change Process
The manager plays a crucial role in change implementation within an organization. This is explained by the fact that the manager must be ready to play the role of the change implementer. The manager determines the thing that should be changed and within which department. These include the strategies that must be changed to produce a better result. He must also specify the strategies that shall be employed in implementing the change within the respective departments (Harigopal, 2006). In this endeavor, the manager must ensure that all employees within the department have the right focus towards the change (Schein, 2010).
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The manager must also create the context for change within his department. This involves the entire process of making all the workers within the department understand the importance of the change. He must also empathize with the workers in the department by engaging the prior knowledge that he has for all employees. The manager should put himself in the place of the different workers by critically analyzing the impact the change will have on different employees. He must also analyze the coping skills that are possessed by each employee (Cameron & Green, 2009).
The manager is also expected to model the change by living it and setting an example to the employees (Schein, 2010). He must also show full support for change within the organization. He must do his best in order to remove obstacles that impede change implementation within the department. The manager also has the responsibility of recognizing the employees’ efforts within the organization and rewarding them as well. This acts as a motivational factor among the employees to embrace change. The manager rewards for understanding that change is a difficult thing, and it takes effort for employees to practice the change (Schein, 2010).
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The Role of the Manager In Case Of Resistance to Change
When there is resistance to change, the manager must understand the opposition and channel it in a constructive manner. He must identify ways and means of ensuring that the resistance by an individual is used constructively. This involves identifying and addressing the reasons as to why the individuals are resisting the change. He must, then, engage that person around that area to make him welcome the change being initiated. He must also provide support to employees by being enthusiastic about the change implementation. He must support all employees who are challenged by the change and show them how to master their way around the changes (Cameron & Green, 2009).
The manager must also be firm, more so, around individuals who cannot accept change within the organization. He must make his expectations clear to such individuals and state the consequences that may result if change does not occur. This serves as a warning that the change within the organization is not optional (Schein, 2010).
Steps in the Change Process
The process of change within an organization goes through several stages. This is especially because it must be well planned and implemented. This serves to help the organization enjoy a competitive advantage over its competitors (Harigopal, 2006).
Assessment/ Planning
Change implementation commences at the assessment stage, where the manager assesses all the systems within the organization. This involves a close check of all the strategies that are put in place within the organization. The management must know where the organization is before the change implementation. They, then, must understand where the organization ought to be after the change is implemented (Schein, 2010). The team, involved in the change implementation, must also estimate the value of the change. This involves evaluating the capital and other costs, involved in the change process. The planning stage, on the other hand, involves laying down the plans of how the process will be achieved within the company. This includes planning on how to raise finances for the change implementation process. It also includes the procedure on how to transit to the new change (Cameron & Green, 2009).
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Implementation/ Evaluation
In this stage, the management team increases the urgency by inspiring people to make objectives, which are relevant and real. The guiding team is, then, put in place to produce the right levels of responsibility and the proper skills, required for implementing the change (Harigopal, 2006). They are also required to achieve the vision and transmit it clearly to the team. Communication must, then, be done to all the people within the organization as a way of mobilizing action. Action is also mobilized in this stage by removal of obstacles that may hinder the adjustment process. In evaluation, the implemented changes and the impacts they have on performance of the organization are tested. This is done to assess whether the changes work positively; if a negative impact is noted, the changes are withdrawn or altered.
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Conclusively, the manager plays a crucial role in the change implementation process. He is supposed to set the pace for the workers by communicating to them often about the need for change. He is also at the core of ensuring weaknesses within the organization are noted. He takes a keen interest from the assessment stage of change to the evaluation stage. He also plays the role of ensuring the employees embrace change positively.
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