Custom «Shiraishi Garments Company» Essay Paper Sample

Shiraishi Garments Company

Shiraishi Garments Company (abbreviated as SGC) is a Japanese garment making company that major in the clothing design. It produces a variety of clothes in different colors, designs, and shapes. As the SGC grows, it involved other sewing subcontractors to design it clothing in the suburbs of Tokyo. The subcontractors preferred dealing with SGC to the retailers because it made detailed report on defects and give advice on how to improve quality and production. SGC also shared customer comments and fashion forecast. SGC also offers its customer after sale services to its clients. They deliver clothes, visit and teach customers how to wear the clothing correctly in their homes. SGC also repair customer clothing for free.

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This strategy of handling SGC customers and suppliers with a lot of care together with good management promotes its business activities. As a result, the company garments became more common in the market than the ready-made ones by a margin of 15%. In an average, the company gives its clients an opportunity to choose from more than 10,000 unique styles of garment. SGC became a prestigious brand in 1980s and spread cross the world by 1991.

Unluckily enough, changes in the global economy affected the Japanese garment industry negatively after 1991. The new generation stopped buying the designed garments and instead buys cheap items from different shops that mixed them freely to satisfy their ever changing tastes and fashion. The younger shoppers specifically bought clothes at the selected shops near railway stations and fashion-specific commercial districts but not conventional department stores.

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Furthermore, changes in the casual style trend for the males led to the collapse of the SGC because salaried men no longer buy the traditional designs of clothing. “Ten lost years” of Japanese bad economic times also led to the downfall of the SGC.

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