Custom «Employment-at-Will» Essay Paper Sample


Employment-at-will refers to the termination of an employee at any given moment without any reason. It also refers to employees quitting their employment without reason. Employers are not supposed to give notice of termination to an at-will employee. Employees are in possession of rights when terminated from their job. Some of these rights are statutory and are issued by federal and state law. Certain information is available on employee rights that describe what they should get in form of compensation in case of discrimination.

Exceptions are given to the doctrine of employment-at-will which includes the coverage of employee under one bargaining oath or it could have an employment contract.  These exceptions an also be given if there is discrimination in termination process, if public law is not observed or if companies laws outlines guidelines for respective termination.

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A Discussion of whether Sarbanes- Oxley Act Sufficiently Protects Whistle-Blowers

Sarbanes- Oxley Act has ample or sufficiently protection for cooperate whistleblowers. Focusing on its dynamic civil, offensive and administrative provisions, the law may be taken in over time, one of the most significant protections of whistleblower laws. As opposed to many whistleblowers, the Sarbanes- Oxley act one is unlimited to providing an official solution for wrongfully dismissed employees. A part from possessing employment based protections foe employee whistleblowers, the statute has four other provisions that are alright with whistleblower protection. Sarbanes-Oxley Act therefore sufficiently protects whistleblowers. It does not overprotect it.

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Changes That Would Be Made To Improve the Effectiveness of the Law

First, companies which are publicly held are needed to have a point or an office in place to make receipts of reports of whistleblowers. Secondly, after the receipts of reports, any other investigation that is done must abide by section 806 of the act. The third change that should be enforced is that retaliation against whistleblowers should not be tolerated as it is a criminal offence in accordance with the law.

Freedom of Speech and False Claim

Many Americans are proud with the fact that their government has handled the idea of freedom and speech. Others feel as though they do not really have this freedom because of the limitations that have been placed upon them through the terms of the initial amendment. As part of North America and the western world, Canada has usually paces large significance on freedom of speech.

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Since 1990, those who do research as well as professional organization have published articles and reports in line with industry funded science. These articles also addressed vices like conflicts of interest and abuse of psychological property statutes. Government scientists like other employees of state should give their services to public interest and should not trait the trust of the public. An agency in the US government declares fourteen various ethical duties of federal state employees, inclusive of not using state office for personal benefits.

Conclusively, in all except few states in the USA, employees can be requested to give in to a test even where an employee’s job performance or background does not express drug abuse. If the employee does not give in, he can be dismissed without notice. Sadly, employees can still be subjected to sniffer dogs for a search I case of any mess in the company. Moreover, the emergence of computer technology has complicated things in the work place. This is so in the sense that more employees get subjected to electronic surveillance via video devices. Monitored telephone calls are also used. For employees to be encouraged, federal legislation should be enforced to extend their private rights. In 1988, a congress held passed the Act of Polygraph protection. Finally, several employees have been protected from electronic surveillance testing.

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