Custom «Spatial Architecture of Underground Design» Essay Paper Sample

Spatial Architecture of Underground Design

Following the submission of the abstract on the creation of an underground construction, the following thesis will mainly deal with the designing of a sub-surface space. The creation of extensive underground complexes and even the idea of entire futuristic cities therefore warrant the need to provide near natural conditions for the survival of the inhabitants. This program will generally be based on the precedent-based research on underground space both the vernacular and existing underground developmental projects. The program is therefore dubbed Korean War Memorial with artificial lighting and aeration, aimed at going down memory lane, for rediscovering purposes.

The site of this architectural design will be Seoul, the capital of South Korea which was once the heart of the Korean War, and which is up to now being targeted by the North Korea. The thesis program is namely Koran War memorial. With this program, I look forward to pursuing an architectural spatial project with innovative planning in mind. In this program such aspects as air ventilation and light penetration, will be considered and also culture and inhabitable conditions.This will mainly focus on the designing of an artificial aeration and lighting system that will be likened to the natural system. Focus will be on the spatial arrangement of these aspects.

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In the past, underground space was associated with death, that is burial, and also in war, where soldiers would hide in bunkers. However, current development has since changed that notion and underground dwellings are being designed. And since the natural light and aeration do not penetrate underground, there is therefore need to provide an artificial one that would supplement, and in order for this to happen, there is a reason to study spatial arrangement of the design building. This is in order to bring out maximal output of the underground setting for maximum comfort. The Korean War Memorial with artificial lighting would therefore take people into the past and bring out a feeling of the past in the future.

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