Custom Explanation essay samples

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10-Point Plan

Essentially, corporate social responsibility has to do with aspect of companies integrating both social and environmental concerns in the operations of the business. This is accomplished in the interaction of the business with their stakeholders ...

World Environmental Education Congress

I have an interest in attending the 6th World Environmental Education congress for various reasons. First, I want to be part of the journey of learning, collaborating, sharing, and showcasing the best things that this world has to offer this region, ...

A Good Citizen

The question of how a good citizen should behave has always been asked by many people time and again. For a good citizen to show qualities of leadership and equality he must have respect for other people and what is rightfully theirs (Davies et al p ...

A Plausible Explanation

Throughout history, there are many things that have remained constant.  One of these constants is criminal behavior.  Theft, murder, fraud, and kidnapping are only a few of the crimes that can be found generation after generation around ...

Alien Staff by Kryzsztof Wordiczko

In this dialogue, Krzystof Wodiczko explains what alien staff is and how it defines the meaning of a stranger. The imagination and experience of the viewer of a screen increase with the decreasing distance making the alien's presence more real and ...

Birth Control

Birth control is a practice that human beings have been carrying out for a number of years now. Indeed, it has remained a controversial issue since different individuals advocate for different views. In some countries like China, the issue of birth ...

Budget for a Small Hospital

According to Buerger (1991), a budget is a formal written statement of a hospital's plan for the future (p. 3). A budget acts as guidance to the hospital in its operations. It also helps in the realization of goals set by the hospital ...

Buildings in the Wildland and Urban Interface

Describe the definition of Wildland/Urban Interface and Intermix. Wildland is understood as the natural part of the environment that man has not tampered with. In other instances, the wildland may be considered as that land that is as intact places ...

Can the Arab World Adopt Democracy

The spread of democracy has been quite successful in different countries around the world especially after the end of cold war. Today many countries around the world are functioning under their own democratic systems of government with slight ...

Carrying Phones

Phones have become not only the way of life but a necessity to almost everyone in all parts of the world. Most deals are effectively accomplished through the use of phones. It is for such reasons that every other person would want to walk with their ...

Case Module 2: Pharmacy

Introduction Pharmacy forms the central part of the healthcare delivery system. Pharmacist ensures effective, safe and efficient management of medicine with the ultimate focus on the patient well-being. In the last ten years, developing evidence has ...

Considering Cultural Difference

Education is a tool that nurtures mental ability in order one can think critically and make good decisions that can benefit one and the society. It is there true to say that military that is educated on different cultures will observe fairness and ...

Control Mechanism

Organization design is the practice of bring into line an organization's structure with its operation. This means looking at the multifaceted correlation between tasks, the flow of work, accountability, authority, and making certain that all these ...

Creating a Loving and Lasting Relationship

Introduction Creating a loving and lasting relationship involves having mutual understanding, clarity of values, life style check, and appreciating and accepting each other has needs and wants. When we enter a relationship with maturity, then we are ...

Curriculum Design

Curriculum design process comprises of sets of questions to which equal importance or meaning is not usually given. In general, precise attention is given to teaching methods, objectives and strategies that neglect the contents of aspects of ...

Developmental Genetics

Introduction Developmental Genetics also referred to as Developmental Biology is the study of developmental stages of organisms from the time when the sperm fuses with the ovum through to how an organism develops different organs and finally ...

Disabled People and the Right to Life

In an effort to understand the development of poverty in the U.S., Koppelman begins by looking at an earlier time, the latter part of the 1800’s. He asks a number of questions including “Why were people who had a job so close e to ...

DNP Project Premise

Abstract The purpose of the current paper is to identify the methodological research approach and the evidence-based model that will be used in the DNP project. The paper also presents the reasons why the methodology is selected. For this project, ...

Effective Informative Speech

"Hallo ladies and gentlemen.  Have you ever been given an opportunity to deliver an informative speech on a given topic?  An informative speech is not just any type of speech; it is a well prepared speech that contains particular ...

Explanatory Response Pages

Their Dogs Came with Them isa novel that was written by Helena Maria Viramontes in year 2007. It is her most recent work. The author is a Mexican but was born in East Los Angeles in California, United States. Her novel is acclaimed to contain ...

Family with Disabled Child

The one major problem faced by families having disabled children is giving them proper attention and care. I have noticed one of my family members with a disabled child suffering to communicate with the child in the proper manner. Parents should be ...

Globalization in Toronto

Globalization has been hailed by many as a way forward towards a new world order where regional economies, cultures and societies would integrate resulting to a global village (Veltmeyer, 2004). This would be fostered due to advancements in ...

Homo Erectus

The term Homo erectus was coined from literature to mean the “Upright man”. Homo erectus is thought to have lived at a period between 1.8 million and 50,000 years ago. According to the archaeological information and data, the Homo ...

How Technology Will Shape Education in the Future

This article seeks to explain the impact of advancement of technology in changing the shape of education in the future. It gives an insight on ways in which technology improves the education system. It analyses the pros and cons of incorporating ...

Importance of Travelling through the Universe

Travelling trough the universe has a number of advantages. First, it helps in unraveling the hidden mysterious that have unanswered questions to mankind. With the aid of spaceships that has helped human kind explore the world, man has been in a ...


Verbal abuse refers to a form an abusive behavior that entails the use of language. It is normally termed as a form of profanity that occurs with or without application of expletives. Considering the supermarket scenario, I would outwardly never be ...

Is Rousseau an Enemy of Freedom

Jean- Jacques Rousseau is considered as one of the besieged genius who helped to inspire the French Revolution. Rousseau really loved freedom more than anything else. However, it is ironical to note that Rousseau's work exhibited some of the worst ...

Language and Power

The power of language is beyond imagination, English language has grown and evolved over the last few years. It has become vital; this is why more and more people want to learn this beautiful language. Knowing English is a prerequisite these days, a ...

Lenore Walker

The challenges that emerge on a daily basis in the society has necessitated the formulation of various theories and models to examine or rather study human behavior in respect to social issues that emerge on a daily basis. In this regard, one of the ...

Memory and Learning

Introduction Learning is a term that refers to the process of acquiring skills and knowledge while memory refers to the process of retaining the already acquired knowledge. The two terms are closely linked to each other. If the rate of knowledge ...

Nature and Causes of Crimes

Crime is an act that is committed when an individual goes against the set laws and regulations of any given institution or country. Those who commit the crime are referred to as criminals. They may be taken to jail or taken to rehabilitation centers ...

Network Security

This paper deals with the issue of network security. Before this issue can be addressed, there is a need to define exactly what network security is. The first part of this paper will explain the concept of network security, how it is protected, the ...

Ocean Studies for Kindergarten

Curriculum map is an important tool of achieving the best practices in delivery of lessons (Zemelman, Daniels, and Hyde, 2005). In the above curriculum map, the topic about Oceans will be taught efficiently by ensuring that sufficient time allocated ...

Philosophical Sayings

Explained Socrates: “The unexamined life is not worth living.” It is important to reflect on things of the past, present and future. This practice keeps us grounded to the purpose we have set or have yet to set for ourselves. Examining ...

Purpose of the Activity

Teamwork is very essential where a certain activity needs to be accomplished by more than one person. Some people are not very good team players or rather they don’t like working together with others to accomplish a certain given task. These ...

Reason for Wanting to Undertake the Course

My passion for Technology Policy has continuously grown with the advent of developments in technology. I realize that invention is a continuous process that has to be monitored to effectively serve the people. Technological inventions are meant to ...

Restoration and Recovery Plan

How the City Mayor Can counter a Terrorist Attack As the city mayor of Florida I would term this as a cyber terrorist attack, and on my address to the public of my state I would ask them not to Panic because everything is under control. I see ...

Spatial Architecture of Underground Design

Following the submission of the abstract on the creation of an underground construction, the following thesis will mainly deal with the designing of a sub-surface space. The creation of extensive underground complexes and even the idea of entire ...


Thesis Statement An explanation of various definitions of the term success, its various classifications, and its application in the daily lives of people living in the American society. Success In daily life, success can be taken to mean, but not ...

Sustainable Development

Concept of sustainable development and green structures are very critical in the practice of structural designing. In this regard, structural designers should come up with designs that conform to the set regulations and establish a need for ...

The Accidental Asian

Eric Liu in his article ‘The Accidental Asian: Notes of a Native Speaker’ says that through assimilation, people lose certain things, but they, too, gain something beneficial. A typical Asian refers to an Asian American as a ...

The Differences between Pseudoscience and “Good” Science

Pseudoscience is an error in the scientific thinking since it includes the use of fallacious scientific methods of today’s science. In 1843, François Magendie called phrenology the pseudoscience that we refer today. The introduction of ...

The Labor Unions

Labor unions have undergone tremendous changes from being strictly voluntary organizations to coercive agents within the economy. Federal law permits the right to become a member of a union as a means of enhancing collective bargaining. The present ...

The Laws of Thermodynamics

INTRODUCTION This writing assignment explains some essential ideas about the Laws of Thermodynamics and how oranges exist given the Law of Thermodynamics, along with ideas of entropy. Oranges are considered structured because of the fact that ...

The National Parks

National parks in most cases bear the basic definition of vast landscapes running into hectares, set aside by responsible authorities in bid to maintain their pure state of being regarding flora and fauna, for the purpose of a continued public ...

The Peace Process

The social, economic and political stability of a nation depends on its peace and tranquility. According to Burgees, the peace process is a political process that is resolved using peaceful means and there are several stages involved in this process ...

The Raptors

Introduction Raptors are simply small to medium size carnivorous dinosaurs that are bipedal. They have three fingered hand. Their brains are relatively big and what makes them distinct is that they have huge solitary claws on each of their hind ...

The Toulmin Model

The Tuolmin model has been used over the years to analyze arguments. It asserts that an argument can be broken down into six parts; the claim, grounds, warrant, backing, rebuttal and qualification. The claim is the position that is being argued for ...

To Come of Age

Coming of age is the change of a young person from childhood to adulthood. There is a variation of age at which the change occurs in the society. Childhood is a period of growth from birth to teenage. Childhood is divided into three stages of ...

TV and Young Children

Television watching has negative effects to both physical and psychological development of young children. The harm involved is more severe if the children are six years old or less. Moral guardians and researchers believe that although TV is very ...

Underrepresentation of Women in Science

Since time in memorial, women have been underrepresented in science and various fields. This underrepresentation in science happens to be an issue in all over the world. Studies in both first world and third world countries show that women have an ...

United Fore Fair Economy

United fore fair economy is a non profit making organization. The company aims at sensitizing people that concentrated power and wealth erodes economy and democracy. They also insist that this simply divides the community socially. The organization ...

Value of Liberal Arts

Almost every institution in America boats of offering training in "liberal arts." This essay explains why many colleges do not or have not yet deciphered the meaning of liberal arts and the values that are attached to them. Liberal arts as a ...

What Are Friends For

Types of friendship One type of friendship is professional friendship. This type of friendship involves professional networking. Most of the topics of discussion between in professional friendship entail topics of mutual interest in specific ...

What Is Romantic

This paper is going to give us an overview of what romantic is by analyzing all the concepts that will help us know it in a more precise manner. Romantic is an indistinct fascination with the curious property of being describable and having a ...

What is Thin Slicing

According to (Tisdell, 44), thin-slicing means making very quick decisions without enough amounts of information. This term has in most instances been used in the discussion of Malcolm Gladwell's 2005 non-fiction book Blink, which provides the ...

What not to Believe about Nutritional Websites

We should not believe everything we see and hear even if it’s from our nutritionists. Some are there to make a name for themselves and not actually there to help us in good nutrition. Chewing sugarless gum is viewed as a way to help cut down ...

What Plagiarism Is

Plagiarism is a form of academic cheating that result when an individual uses someone else’s work as either his or her own work without authorization. This practice is highly discouraged in academic and other forms of writing, and is regarded ...

Who has Power in America

The president of the United States is the head of states and head of government of the United States of America. He is the one who is charged with the responsibility of leading the executive branch of the federal government and is also the ...

Why Crimes are Considered Injurious to Society or the Community

Describe how community correction used to take place in the ancient times. Originally, societies were simple, and they used to be tribal. Members of a society were initially held together through kinship and religious rituals. They believed in the ...

Why Isn't Charisma Measured

Charismatic and transformational leadership theories are necessary in the process of describing leaders and their unique relationships with their followers. Transformational leadership involves the moral uplifting of followers and needs a leader to ...

Why Love Hurts

Introduction Love means so many things to different people and to many it remains a mystery that is truly mystified. The questions that are usually in the majority of people's minds are; what it is? Whether it actually exists? How to know that you ...

Why Nuclear Power Should Be Adopted

Nuclear power is the amount of energy that is produced with the use of controlled nuclear reaction. Many countries use nuclear power plants to generate powerful military and civilian use. Some countries use it for running parts of their naval fleets ...

Why the Roanoke Colony Failed

Introduction The disappearance of the Roanoke Island is a mystery that historians have attempted to investigate for a long period. Historians have suggested various theories in order to explain the disappearance of the people who lived in the ...

Written Language

Written language in a linguistic society is a special or distinct dialect. Writing, therefore, does not merely involve speech transcription but involves use of particular language forms, which may not be given orally. Written language has become ...

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