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History of Ju-Jitsu

Although it is not quite known the exact date of the start of the Ju-Jitsu, it is only estimated, as per the records available, that it started over 2500 years ago (Red Dragon Ju-Jitsu, 2010) and (History of JuJitsu, 2010). Most of the records that historians have found point to the fact that Japan was the originating country for Ju-Jitsu as seen in Godan (2010). There have been records showing that the practice was spread fast to the following countries: - China, Germany, Persia and Egypt (History of JuJitsu, 2010). Ju-Jitsu became more known between the 8th and the 16th century where there were different monarchies that were at war. In Red Dragon Ju-Jitsu (1999), the Heian Period that was there about 784 AD, The Samurai incorporated this practice into their daily routines hence the development. The first Ju-Jitsu Ryu that is recorded was in 880 AD led by Prince Teijun (Red Dragon Ju-Jitsu, 1999). Japan was graced with a peaceful period especially in Edo Period that lasted from 1603 to 1868 thus leading to more practice of Ju-Jitsu even on the police and the military personnel. During this time, there was development of about 700 systems of Ju-Jitsu. Due to continued civilization, there was a change in cultural practices and culture erosion that reduced the Ju-Jitsu practice.

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For the three states of the mind to be effective, they have to be applied together as they have the capability of giving the user, power to execute any action. It also gives one preparation for any eventuality that may come their way as the potential of excellence in Ju-Jitsu Art (History of Ju-Jitsu, 2010).

*Zanshin gives one the preparation for any eventuality or anything that might happen (History of Ju-Jitsu, 2010). *Fudoshin on the other hand provides a settled mind when there is confrontation (History of Ju-Jitsu, 2010). *Mushin reverberates the reflect action with less regard to conscious thought (History of Ju-Jitsu, 2010).

In addition to the above mentioned combating style, there are also hitting and striking, punching, pinning and joint-locking (History of Ju-Jitsu, 2010). Most of the fighting is done with minimum if any, use of weapons. The kind of weapons that are used include Tanto (also called a knife), Kakushi Buki (that is a hidden weapon), Jitte (usually called a truncheon) (History of Ju-Jitsu, 2010). The hidden weapons include Ryofundo Kusari (that is a weighted chain) and the Bankokuchoki (That is some sort form of knuckle-duster) (History of Ju-Jitsu, 2010).

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The Samurai warriors were specially trained to survive an armed attack in the event that they mistakenly lost their sword (Red Dragon Ju-Jitsu, 1999). Apart from the arts of Ju-Jitsu mentioned above on the left column, those on the right column represent a select Ju-Jitsu Ryu. Kempo is supposed to have been started around 1532, Aikido was started in the 1920's, Judo was started in 1882 while the rest are just estimated to have been active between the 16th and the 19th century (History of Ju-Jitsu, 2010) and (Godan, 2010).

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