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99 Percent Protesters

Numerous peaceful demonstrations are going on in most cities of the United States. It was on 29th September 2011 when thousands of people from San Francisco, Los Angeles, Florida and Portland decided to support Occupy Wall Street demonstrations in ...

The Early Years of African Slavery

            African slavery dated way back then. The beginning of the said era was confided with the fact that the white American individuals supposedly saw themselves as people way more ...

Jesus Son and The Queen

Jesus’ Son and the The Queen are stories that relate the truth about human living. Through showcasing that the lives of people are certainly governed by certain circumstances that they meet every day. These movies are considered to be among ...

A Day in My Life as a Jamestown Colonist

The realization of Algonquian natives' existence was a no mean achievement for us as settlers. Our interactions with them led to the discovery of tobacco. Living with them brought about an experience which could not have been found in any other ...

A Response to the 16th Century

Seven Samuraiis a film that was directed by Akira Kurosawa. The film is 141 minutes long; it was released in 1954. This film shows the events that happened in history and the effects that they had on Japanese society. This paper covers the depiction ...

A Rumor of War

A Rumor of War is a book bases on personal experiences of the author Philip Caputo during the Vietnam War. Philip served in the United States Marine Corps (USMC). He was deployed in South Vietnam during the Vietnam War. When he came back he chose to ...

African Americans between 1877 and 1928

African Americans realized their freedom in 1865 after the northern won the civil war. There was hope that things would work on well. Reconstruction was the main issue during that time but from 1877, the situation was unwelcoming for the African ...

Age of Enlightenment vs. WWII

The Second World War (WW2) and the Holocaust revolutions of 1945 became of great disadvantage to the age of enlightment project, which aimed at improving the shuttered world into a better one. This statement therefore propels me to agree with the ...

Alexander the Great

Alexander the Great was born in 356 B.C.; Pella, Macedonia, to King Philip II of Macedonia and Olympias, daughter of King Neoptolemus of Epirus. Alexander was educated during his early teenage years by the Greek famous philosopher Aristotle In 340, ...

Alizoda Kurbanov

The Roman world was characterized by ancient civilizations that transcended for many decades. They were the most influential nation in the early world, with a vast empire that dominated the western world for 1700 years, from the third century B.C. ...

America and the Great War

Great World War I was a major war that began in 1914 in Central Europe and it involved great powers of the world which assembled in two distinct alliances namely: Central Powers and Allies of Triple Entente. The occurrence of the war is attributed ...

America from the Great Depression

The paper aims to study the comparisons between the Great Depression and the recession that was experienced during late 2000 by the economy. These comparisons are made in order to identify the differences as well as the similarities between the two ...

American Liberalization

The quest for a democratic government based on certain ideals and principles was the motivating factor for the thirteen American colonies. The founding fathers envisaged freedom from the rule of Great Britain, consequently giving the American power ...

Analysis of Just and Unjust Wars

According to Walzer, Just War Theories deal with the justification of how and why wars are fought. All human affairs and history in the end have been traced to tension between two opposing sides seeking freedom while others seek security. These ...


The top chart mapping represents different types of information in one layer. They include interactive displays with various types of shapes on a map. The bottom mapping chart shows different layers on a map and different parts of the map. The main ...

Asia and the Aftermath of World War II

The World War II in numerous ways molded and fashioned the outlook and shape of our modern world, in both Asia and Europe. The war's effect had far-reaching, devastating, implications for most of the world's countries. After the war, the Axis ...

History and Anthropology

The world is a diverse place, home to different types of people. Different in the way they talk, live, believe and look. This has differentiated groups of people for as long back as we can trace our world history. The major line of grouping people ...

California Gold Rush

I remember vividly that day, February 18, 1849. It was the day when I packed my belongings on a mission to change my life and that of my family. In fact, few days prior to my trip, I could have hardly thought that I started somewhere to look for a ...

Charity in History

Charities have played a tremendous role in the American history, helping the American poor during the hardest times on their lives. Charity organization societies that had sprung up after 1880 in many of the major cities of the country were the main ...

Childbirth through American History

Over the years, childbirth has not been viewed as a peaceful experience. This has made it the subject of major cultural attitudes ranging from those voiced by the religious groups to the scientific, public and social sector. This has been so, ...


Christianity is one of the world's major religions, dominating in Europe and the Americas, as result of a powerful historical force and cultural influence. This religion was founded by the followers of Jesus in Palestine in mid-first century. ...

Civil Rights

Civil rights of the African Americans took a turn for the better, particularly within the 1960s, with the rise of courageous and able leaders within the black community. Rights for the community that had faced great racial discrimination in the ...


Conscription as a form of capitalism was used by the bourgeoisies to gain power and control of a society. I do not believe in the necessity to allow young energetic men who have families to take care of to be allowed to go to war and risk their ...

Constantine the Great

My Life My name is Constantine. I was born on the 27th  February of 278  in the ancient city o Naissus, which is known presently as Moesia. I was born out of wedlock of my father called Costantius and my mother called Helen. My father, ...

Cortes Letter

This is a Spanish legend who organized for the great fall of Aztec Empire in 16th century. In his letter, he talks on his life history and more particularly on how he became a Spanish hero. He was born in Spain in the year 1485 from a distinguished ...

Could the Civil War Been Avoided

Introduction A lot has been said on whether the civil war could have been prevented or not. This research paper seeks to look into the events that led up to the war and analyze whether it could have avoided or postponed since President Lincoln ...

Cuban Missile Crisis

The Russian, commonly known as Cuban missile crisis, was a controversy that existed between America, Cuba, and Soviet Union towards the end of the year 1962 when cold war was in the offing. The United States government attempted to overthrow the ...

Culture of Consumption During the Eisenhower

Dwight David Eisenhower served as the 34th president of United States from 1953-1961. He ascended to presidency following a 1952 election on the promise of a return to normalcy, normalcy because this was the time just after the WWII. His presidency ...

Cultures in the Middle East

Some parts of western Asia and northern Africa are found in the Middle East. In history, Middle East has been very famous, indeed, because it has been the centre for the main activities. Actually; Jewish, Islamic and Christianity religions came from ...

Cyber Democracy

In politics the phrase democracy is used to refer to the form of governance whereby all the subjects have the opportunity to determine their leaders and the laws that will govern them. This could be at organizational level, national level and even ...

Cyber Legality

18 U.S. Code 1030 extensively deals ‘with fraud and related activity in connection with computers’. According to this code, obtaining information by accessing a computer without authorization or by exceeding authorized access is ...

David and Goliath

David and Goliath is one of the most loved and known stories in the Bible as it does not only present how God moved in mysterious ways but rather how God is faithful to those who love Him and to those who stand firm in their faith to God. The story ...

Early America

North America, currently comprising of Mexico, Canada, and the United States, takes the third place among the relatively small continents. It was discovered by Columbus who was on a sea venture and accidentally landed in America in 1962. Being an ...

Europe between 1200 and 1500

History is a constant change that always repeats itself. Civilizations and developments rise and disappear in a short while to leave their history behind. Some are documented, while some disappeared never to be remembered by humankind. Only those ...

The Impact of Electoral Laws on Partysystems

In this report, we will analyze the electoral system and the party system in Mexico and Iran. There are some similarities between the general mode of how current political system in both countries was formed, as one state-related party used to win ...

A Recent Move

Like other true-to-life story based movies, Hotel Rwanda is one of the most appealing presentations to the public as it shows a rather appalling situation that is considered one of the most devious experiences Rwandans have ever had to undergo. ...

Federalist vs. Anti-Federalist

According to Madison, a faction is a group of citizens totaling to a majority or minority who are united by and focused on a familiar desire or obsession. There were too many factions in United States and as a result, they kept on differing and ...

Fifth Ward Houston

The recent 5th ward city of Houston council meeting held on October 1, 2011 was chaired by Mayor Annise Parker . In attendance were council members, nonprofit entities, area residents and service providers. The agenda of the meeting was to ...

FISA and the US Patriot Act

The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act was formed in the year 1978 and its aim is to prevent any terrorist act or act that may harm the country. It included the procedure wherein the government was allowed to investigate people who were suspected ...

Founding Fathers

Historical struggles that the founding fathers fought for are ever manifested in the present life. They relentlessly fought against all odds to give their future generations' liberty and freedom. In their quest for freedom the principle of ...

Frederick Douglass Essay Assignment

This essay will look at Douglass' life in two perspectives and at two different places; life in the South as a slave and life in the North as a freeman. Slavery affects negatively the lives of the southerners not only the slaves but also the ...

Freed Slaves

Despite the gains of the Civil war, the white regimes that emerged started putting the freed slaves in a low place in the scheme and hierarchy of the society. This dates back to the period between 1863 and 1931. Even though it turned out to be one ...

From Creation to New Creation

This paper highlights on the Gospel, Biblical storyline, Christian world view and the Christian doctrine. The four concepts are intertwined in meaning and interpretations as they are all elements of the Christian religion whose followers are the ...

Gaius Julius Caesar

Gaius Julius Caesar was born on 13 July 100 BC to Gaius Caesar and Aurelia. His father was a praetor, while his father's sister, Julia was married to Gaius Marius- the leader of Rome at that time (Meier 24). He grew up to become a Roman statesman, ...

Giuseppe Garibaldi

The role of Giuseppe Garibaldi in the affairs of Italy that led to unification started well in 1848 after he had left the United States for Italy. His role began when he started participating once more in the Italian liberation movement that was ...

Greek and Roman Slavery

A slave was a person who was usually captured in battle and send back to Rome to be sold. Most slaves in ancient Rome were acquired through warfare, and the Roman armies would bring back captives as part of a reward for their presence in battles. ...

Historical Timeline of Homosexuality

First use of the word "Homosexuality"The word "homosexual" first came into use when Karoly Benkert, a Swiss gay doctor used it 1869. Later on, the word "gay" began to be used chiefly in America during the late 1940's. Bankert used this term to refer ...

History of Buddha Images from China

Buddhism in its early centuries didn’t have much visual representations of Buddha as the art symbolism came in following years. India and China outlaid early enhancements of Buddhism. The first century AD was the initial period when ...

History of Japan & USA

During the 1st World War, Japan was with the Allied powers, but had only a small role in fighting German colonial forces in East Asia. In the Paris Peace Conference of 1919 which followed, Japan's suggestion of appending a "racial equality clause" ...

History of Ju-Jitsu

Although it is not quite known the exact date of the start of the Ju-Jitsu, it is only estimated, as per the records available, that it started over 2500 years ago (Red Dragon Ju-Jitsu, 2010) and (History of JuJitsu, 2010). Most of the records that ...

History of the John F. Kennedy International Airport

Introduction The John F. Kennedy International Airport is located on Jamaica Bay in the southeastern section of Queens County. The distance of the airport to mid town Manhattan is about 15 miles. The airport is set on 4,930 acres of land and it ...

History of the World

History has shown how slaves became part of the economic life of the Europeans. The people that were conquered and their lands became the properties of the colonizer. The conquests made in the New World were accompanied with the horrors and cases ...

History Questions

Question One            America was very reluctant to participate in the First World War and they preferred to remain neutral and isolated from the war. Nevertheless, there years after the war had ...

Hollywood Home Front Mobilization

World War II was a monumental and significant event in the world history. The United States was catalytically drawn in it after Pearl Harbor was bombed by Japan. In order to make the whole nation get involved in the war, there is need to use ...


The word “Holocaust” became a synonym of suffering, torture, murder, and extermination. Picture a tragic world of stereotypes, discrimination and a collective threat towards a certain population. It seems to be impossible in a civilized ...

The Panama Canal

The history of Panama Canal began during the 16th century when Charles V decided to cut a piece of land in Panama. The treasures and riches of Ecuador, Asia and Peru were discovered including the gold. Before the construction of the canal, it took ...

Historical Fiction and Australian Culture

Australian culture complexities are attributed the earlier times of British colonies. The country underwent a long period of colonization after it was named "Australia". It was derived in early 19th Century from the Latin word terra australis ...

The First Gulf War

Within the scope of this research, we will analyze how mainstream media reporting of the First Gulf War was compromised by governments, the military and the media themselves, using CNN and ABC news example. It is apparent that both media outlets ...

How Television has Affected Humanity

Since 26th January 1926 when Scotsman John Logie Baird instigated the world to his brand new creation called television, a revolution has taken place in which TV has improved and changed to keep up with demand. Debatably, the utmost and most ...

Impact On American Policing

Sir Robert Peel was a political leader as well as a famous statesman of mid-Victorian Britain. He was a very strong Conservative politician (Wright, 2000). His legacy has motivated many people in Britain and in other countries like Ireland and ...

Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree

The history of the United States is established to be one of those countries who have rich heritage and enticing stories of the past. With the involvement of the country to various wars, no one can ever disregard the authority, dignity and ...


Jericho is believed to be the oldest city in the world. It is situated next to the bunks of River Jordan, in Palestinian West Bank territories. Jericho borders Mt. Nebo in the east, as well as, the Central Mountains in the west (Kaiser, 2009). ...

John F Kennedy Assassination

The murder of John F Kennedy took place on Nov.22, 1963 in Dallas. John F. Kennedy arguably the most influential president of all time was assassinated during his trip to Dallas. Due to his popularity many of the people who were beyond the age of ...

Johnson’s Great Society Programs

In the United States’ history, the term “Great Society” refers to the Lyndon Johnson’s domestic policies. The purposes and strategies of Johnson’s Great Society Programs were aimed at supporting the New Deal reforms ...

Just War

The theory of just war originated from the doctrine of military ethics of Romans and Catholics. To them they argued that just war need to meet the criteria of religious, philosophical and political justice. According to St. Augustine, war was a ...

Labor Unions

Introduction Labor unions are organizations of wage earners and workers that are legally allowed to represent the collective interest and needs of the workers. The unions bargain on behalf of the workers and wages earner with employers the welfare ...

Latin America Civilization

The future of Latin America changed dramatically during the period of 1819 to 1829. This was the period by which the Latin American states gained independence from the colonists. The war of independence began during the Napoleonic wars, which were ...

Latin Americans

Latin American has a long and vast history. The primary groups in the pre 19th century were the Maya in Mexico and Guatemala, the Inca in Peru, the Tupi-Guarani in Brazil and neighboring countries and the Aztec in Mexico. Before the coming of the ...

Lee Robert E. and Ulysses S. Grant

Lee Robert E Lee Robert E. was a confederate commander General in charge of the Northern Army of Virginia. He was also the Confederate States General in chief of the army during the civil war. According to Davis, Robert Lee Edward was born in ...

Lincoln Assassination

The assassination of President Abraham Lincoln is a subject that for many years has attracted research interests of few historians who are professionally trained in that area, but has been popularly written about by many avocational historians. For ...

Love Letters in Marquez and Flaubert’s Novels

The novels by Garcia Marquez, Love in the Time of Cholera and Gustave Flaubert’s Madame Bovary make special use of the love letters as the means of connection between the protagonists’ feelings and the outside world. These authors ...

Major Historical Developments of the U.S

A court system is basically a hierarchy of courts in a given country or state with an associated chain of command for hearing cases. Likewise, a court system or judiciary is an arm of most governments in the world responsible for ensuring the law is ...

Margaret Sanger

She was born Margaret Higgins in 1876, in Corning New York and went on to become a nurse, sex educator and birth control activist. She was the 6th born in a family of eleven children. Her mother was a staunch Irish catholic and had about 18 ...

Martin Luther King

Martin Luther King is known as the most effective leader and activist in regaining the Civil Rights Movement for the African Americans who were still unable to get proper rights of freedom after the freedom. Martin Luther King lived in the central ...

Massachusetts Bay Colony

Also known as the Massachusetts Company, Massachusetts colony was a settlement comprising of English descendants who settled on North Americas East Coast. In the 17th Century. This was at the time known as New England which was currently set on the ...

Mexican War on Independence

The Mexican war on independence started between the years 1810 to1821, a period of eleven years. The basis of this war was the idealistic peasant's rebellion that occurred between the people of Mexico and the Spanish colonialists who conducted some ...

Middle Eastern History

This essay aims to summarize the approximate number of topics covered and understood regarding Middle Eastern history subject. Different topics are being shown here which will reflect the history of most of the Middle East countries in relation to ...

Military Strategy of the North

At the beginning of the civil war in April of 1861, there were only 16,000 soldiers in the United States (US) army. In July of the same year, 500,000 men were authorized to volunteer for the army. Many of the initial Southern soldiers resigned with ...

Modern Corporate Samurai

The Samurai Warriors of Japan have been credited with influencing the lifestyles of Japanese with their code of conduct. They were held in high esteem as they were an association of selfless men ready to lay down their lives for their fellow ...

Modernism Art

The end of the 19th century and the early 20th century ushered in the progressive modernism which dominated the art scene in the Europe. This period is known for its revolution period in the cultural life. Conservative modernism was disrepute and ...

Nathanael Greenes Southern Campaign

Indeed, America prides itself because of the ideals it was bequeathed by its founding fathers such as George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin, with these ideals being enshrined in the US Constitution and other legal documents such ...

Negative Effects of the Attack of Hue and Saigon

Civilization had suffered millions of victims of lives throughout the 2nd World War. Why the liberated world has mostly paid special consideration to the losses of the Holocaust? Because of these sufferers is not the piece of information of the ...

New Social History

Under the name of the New Social History in the world of science of the middle of the second half of the 20th century, we usually understand a powerful intellectual movement, calling into question the traditional methods of historical knowledge and ...

Ordinary Courage

Joseph plumb martin has authored the auto bibliography Ordinary Courage: the revolutionary war adventures which give the reader a clear portrait of revolutionary war from a normal soldier's perspectives. Martin was raised by his maternal ...

Ottoman Empire in 1300-1923

Introduction Ottoman is one o f the largest and long serving empire known in history. It created a mist powerful civilization of the modern time. The glory of the Ottoman Empire represents the level of creativity that the human being has, optimism ...

Pearl Harbor

Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor was one of the turning points in the evolution of the United States’ foreign policy and global presence. Before December 7, 1941, America used to have a good position in international politics and foreign ...

Position Paper

Introduction Revolutions marked radical and transformation changes in the entire world. They happened mostly in the nineteenth, twentieth and twenty-first centuries. All revolutions that range from fresh revolution, industrial revolution and the ...

Post Cold War Era

The interdependency of the world economies resulting from cross-border trading of commodities and services and the flow of capital and technologies from among different economies is referred to as economic globalization. It is the economic ...

Professionalism and Debating the American Revolution

One pivotal event in the American History is the American Revolution. The purpose of highlighting and discussing the historical aspects of the American Revolution in in-depth is due to the profound significance and implications it holds in history ...

Proposing an Argument in History

Douglas and Stanton in their works came up with various arguments on the Declaration of independence. They adopted the use of comparison to analyze issues of slavery that was rampant in America before independence. This was the time when almost all ...

Queen Elizabeth I

Queen Elizabeth I survived the hard reign and become the most famous leader in the history of British government. She was a courageous leader who applied every bit of her wisdom to overcome challenges which faced her leadership. However, Christopher ...

Reconstruction in Western United States

The period of Reconstruction came after the Civil war in America, in which the North fought against the Confederate Army of the South. The Union Government aimed to readmit Southern States, which were the cause of this war. Reconstruction of the ...

Reconstruction of the South

Redemption according to the south during the reconstruction According to the people from the south, the word redemption originates from the redemption movement. This was a movement of supporters of the theory of American conspiracy. The government ...

Roger Williams Exile to Rhode Island

Joseph plumb martin has authored the auto bibliography Ordinary Courage: the revolutionary war adventures which give the reader a clear portrait of revolutionary war from a normal soldier's perspectives. Martin was raised by his maternal ...

Romans and the Slaves

The Roman Republic in the first century before the Common Era regarded slaves as tools for use to meet their needs. The gladiatorial games were indeed one of the most common forms of entertainment. By way of supplying gladiators for contests, ...

Romes Success

1. Weigh the positive and negative aspects of the military role in Rome's success, and suggest ways in which the benefits might have been retained without as many of the pitfalls. Part of Rome's success is its military force. From its existence as a ...

Social History

Introduction The social history in the United States of America has influenced the historiography of the American Revolution. The debate on the American Revolution has brought out by Gwenda Morgan, involved an in-depth study of the way historians ...

Socialization of Youths in United States

Socialization is the process that provides persons with the necessary skills and habits derived from norms, customs and ideologies to participate within their own society. Through socialization most individuals gain their personality, morals and ...

Spanish Colonial Power in the United States

Spain was one of the most powerful world’s empires for several centuries, from the fifteenth to the eighteenth (Kamen). It conquered many countries and it had colonies all over the world. The United States also appeared under the Spanish ...

Stereotyped African American Actors

Introduction The black American actors have come along away within the movie industry in a myriad of perspectives, particularly in relation to racial stereotypes assigned by white Americans. This is exemplified by the present huge number of black ...

Syrian Revolution

It is unclear as to what is the cause of the ongoing Syrian protest. Some argue that is largely due to the unrest in the neighboring Arab world that caught on in Syria. Others claim that the protests began after children in Daraa, a Syrian city, ...

Teddy Roosevelt

The American war against Spain took place in 1898 when Roosevelt was still a strong young man in his thirties. Roosevelt was a strong and brave young man with ambition. His eyesight problem that had begun from his boyhood did not stop him from going ...

Terrorism and the Justification

Terrorism is an organized use of terror and coercion by inflicting fear into a certain group. Terrorism mainly occurs as a means of coercion in the international community especially by organized groups that have a brand as terrorists. The groups ...

The 8th Century BC

In most regions of the world, the 8th Century B.C marks the most important time in history of landscapes. So many things took place during this time frame ranging from civilization to other geographical processes. It was also during this time that ...

The Battle of Boxing and War

The battle of boxing and war, how they compare in the Power of One In 1939, hatred took root in South Africa, where the seeds of apartheid were newly sown. There a boy called Peekay was born. He spoke the wrong language–English. He was nursed ...

The Battle of New Orleans

Discuss the Battle of New Orleans and Andrew Jackson's role in the campaign and battle. The Battle of New Orleans transpired when the Americans at the back their mud battlements repelled the assault of General Edward Pakenham's fissure army. ...

The Battle of Somme

The battle of the Somme started in 1st July 1916 and ended in the 18th of November 1916 in the Somme department, France on both banks of river Somme. It is the most dramatic battle conducted during the First World War. To many people the Battle of ...

The Battle of Valley Forge

The Valley Forge campaign is undoubtedly one of the major milestones in the history of the American Continental army which fought against the British colonial army in North America. The continental army arrived Valley Forge camp on the 19th of ...

The Birth of Texas

Texas attained independence form Mexico in 1836. Texans led by Sam Houston defeated the Mexican army at the Battle of San Jacinto. As a result, Texas attained sovereignty in one of the most significant wars in history. Most of the Texan history can ...

The Civil War

A civil war is defined as a war that is fought between organized groups or states in the same country. The American civil war was fought between the years 1881-1886. The war was fought between the Northern and Southern states and was the most costly ...

The Cold War

The Cold War occurred in a period between 1945 up to 1991. It was caused by a continuing tension between the political states and the military forces of the Western world and the communist world. The Western world was led by the United States ...

The Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962

The war years that embraced the territories that surrounded the Soviet Union Territory from that of the US territories in the 1950’s continued until the 1960’s noting the different implicative manners by which the two major countries ...

The Earliest Evidence of Human Life

The earliest evidence of human life in Greece has its history between 10,000 and 120,000 B.C, during the Paleolithic period. However, civilization did not begin until the period between 7,000 and 3,000 B.C. This was during the Neolithic period. ...

Party Systems

In this essay, I will describe the end of the first party and the beginning of the second party systems in the history of United States of America. End of first party system and start of second party system The major financial crisis of the 19th ...

The End of the World War II

The end of the World War II came with important developments among the nations that were involved in the conflict. The war came with very serious impacts on the economic, social, and political development of European nations. There was an urgent ...

The First and the Second World War

The first and the Second World War had serious impact on several countries worldwide. These countries encompassed generally the whole world hence the name world war. These countries included the imperial Britain, Japan from the Middle East and ...

The Gettysburg Address

The Gettysburg Address was delivered by the President of United States, Abraham Lincoln on the afternoon of Thursday, November 19, 1863. It was during the dedication ceremony of the soldier's National Cemetery in Gettysburg for the American soldier ...

The Gilded Age

The term “Gilded Age” was first used by Charles Dudley and Mark Twain and encompassed the years ranging from 1870s to 1900. To scholars, the legacies of reconstruction and civil war are seen as vital contributors towards the ...

The Grapes of Wrath

The 1930s during the era of great depression which followed the clash of 1929 forms the backdrop for this book. The novel, perhaps one of the best in American literature paints a picture of the effects of the great depression of the 1930s. The novel ...

The Great Depression

The Great Depression was a severe depression in the twentieth century, affecting the whole world. Although not all countries experienced its severity, the US was the hardest hit as it originated here with the collapse of the stock market. The ...

The Great Encounter of China and the West

The years between 1500 and 1800 were very crucial years for the Chinese and the Europeans as this was the period they created a bond or what we may call a 'bitter-sweet" moment. The Chinese mostly called the Europe 'the far West', the Western Land' ...

The Great War

The World War I, abbreviated as WWI, was a result of a number of causes. Despite the fact that there was a series of events that in one way or the other directly led to the fighting, there were actual root causes, which played the main role of the ...

The History of Beadwork of the Iroquois Confederacy

Introduction to beadwork in the Iroquois nation The Iroquois confederacy was originally formed by a group of five Native American nations initially made up of Oneida, Mohawk, Onondaga, Cayuga and Seneca. Tuscarora later joined this group as a sixth ...

The History of Computer Music

As technological innovations become more prevalent in the vast majority of facets basic to human survival, technological advances have been created to develop entertainment and recreation for man. Technological advancements have also caused the ...

The History of the Chinese Diaspora in the United States

Introduction The United States is widely recognized as a country of immigrants while China is among the primary centers of emigration whose rapid development attracts constant attention of the researchers (Ali 183). The Chinese diaspora is ...

The History of the Holocaust

Introduction: The holocaust, alternatively known as Shoah (Hebrew), was a tragic historical event that occurred between 1933 and 1945. The period is associated with Hitler's regime as the Chancellor of Germany (Bauer 28). The end of this tragic ...

The Holocaust

Gender and sexuality with reference to the Holocaust in the contemporary world The holocaust was a systematically conducted genocide under the Nazi Germany led by Adolf Hitler that led to the death of about 5.7 million European based Jews and about ...

The Holocaust and its Effects on Judaism

            Living religions is a survey by pat Mary Fisher about all major world faiths. With illustrations like photographs and maps, it introduces, simplifies, and broadly covers each world faith.  With a ...

The Homestead Act 1862

This Act was passed in 1862 and it stated that any citizen or a person who intended to possess a portion of land out of the hundred and sixty acres on offer had to meet some requirements. The said land had never been utilized before. An individual ...

Human Right in Modern Day Pakistan

The Human Rights Commission is working for the betterment for the standard of living in many countries regardless of the religion, race and class. In recent years where Pakistan has been in the firing line for various issues including terrorism, the ...

The Irish Republican Army

The Irish Republican army (IRA) was formed in 1916, and its prime aim was to advocate for withdrawal of Britain who had occupied Ireland for more than 800 years. IRA had ruled Britain brutally and in a discriminatory way. The main aim of IRA was to ...

The Life of Jesus

The life of Jesus is the history. It is an important part of history by which the majority of the world population was revolutionized from the paganism to the real and true belief. People began to have a religion founded on the Divine Unity, the ...

The Life of Virginia Slaves

In almost all scenarios of Virginia history, slavery is very dominant. There was a legal importation of slaves in the period that actually ended in 1778. Due to this act of slavery, the slavery business thrived to an extent that it got to the level ...

The Native Americans of Today

Their life in America marked the beginning of slavery, torture, and abuse by their white counterparts. Under Abraham Lincoln, an abolitionist, he fought for the abolition of slavery long after Europe had stopped the vice. He engaged the North's ...

The New Deal Policy

The New Deal policy of the 1933, during the reign of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, was a series of economic policies put forward and implemented by the federal government in frantic efforts to revivify the economy from the great depression ...

The Pacific Theatre

The pacific war which is also commonly referred to as the Asia-pacific war is a war that took place in the pacific ocean , its islands and the far East during the world war two (Dinardo , 2005). The war in the pacific began on September 18, 1931 ...

The Plot to Rebel

Gabriel Prosser, born into slavery in 1776 at Henrico County in Virginia was to live a very dramatic but short life up to 10 October, 1800 (Eric, 2006). Being the older of two brothers, Born into slavery in, Gabriel had two brothers, Solomon and ...

The Progressive Era

This was a period marked with significant economic, political, and social changes. It began from late 1800's and ended at the beginning of 1900. The American citizens worked hard to seek solutions to their problems. The government addressed the ...

the Punic Wars

Punic wars were three different confrontations between Carthage and Rome. At the time, Rome was the superior force in Italy while Carthage controlled most parts of North Africa and the islands of the West Mediterranean. After the wars had ended, ...

The Renaissance

The term Renaissance, describing the period of European history from the early 14th to the late 16th century, is derived from the French word for rebirth, and originally referred to the revival of the values and artistic styles of classical ...

The Salem Witch Trials

Trials of the Salem witch refers to a number of hearings that happened before the county court trails meant to prosecute citizens in the counties of colonial Massachusetts accused for witchcrafts between the years 1692 and 1693. Despite the trials ...

The Spanish American War

The Spanish American War began just like many other wars in the sense that opposing forces were competing for dominance or independence on different grounds. The Spanish American War began officially on the 25th of April 1898 and came to an end on ...

The Triangle Shirt Waist Company Fire

The triangle shirt waist company fire of 1911 is remembered as one of the greatest industrial accidents in the American history. It occurred in a garment factory in New York that was manufacturing blouses for women. The factory occupied the three ...

The UK from 1945

Social policy aims at responding to social issues. This policy touches all aspects of an individual’s life, and is very important in an economy of a country. The welfare of a country is the wellbeing of the population of the country (Mullard ...

the United States Foreign Policy

The United States foreign policy is the way in which the country interacts with foreign nations and sets standards for interaction for the sake of its organizations, individual citizens, and its organizations. US are a super power in the world due ...

The United States Marine Corps

The force is a branch of the Army of the United States and was founded in 1775 as a continental marine but since then its role has significantly expanded with accordance to the needs arising from time to time. The force has a unique mission from ...

The United States of America

History may have it that this is the second worst crisis after the great depression of 1930 in the United States of America. This economic crisis did not erupt suddenly but it has been piling for years and its time has come. This paper scrutinizes ...

The War of 1812

The war of 1812 was a conflict between United States of America forces and British Empire forces. It spanned from June 1812 to the spring of 1815 though the treaty to end this conflict was endorsed in Europe in December 1814. The Americans had tried ...

The War on Telephone Poles

The invention of the telephone by Alexander Graham Bell was not well received by the populace. Initially, many people did not accept the invention as something that was worth; they dismissed the invention as of being of no use, and they forcibly and ...

Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson, the third US President, was the first to be inaugurated in the capital city of Washington, DC on March 4 1801, and the first president to have been a governor. He contended against many opponents during his political career, most ...

United Nation as a Global Organization

United Nation as a global organization that was formed 19 45 after the World War II. The core aim of the UN was to protect peace and create a forum for international discussion to ensure that no more incidences of war were to be experienced in the ...

US Air Power During World War II

World War II, or the Second World War was a global military conflicts lasting from 1939 to 1945 which involved most of the world's nations including all of the great powers organised into two opposing military alliances. The Royal Air Force began ...

US Intelligence

Changes in mission, scope, organization, resources and technology to address perceived national security concerns in the early Cold War eraUS Intelligence community has experienced several advances since the 1950's and 1960's eras after the end of ...

US Intelligence Revolution

In security context, intelligence is a process of gathering information using very sophisticated secret approaches with an aim of strength both the national security and defense departments. Consequently, several countries worldwide have established ...

USA and Central America

The Monroe Doctrine was put forward by President James Monroe in1823. This doctrine calls for a cessation of European intervention in the vast American continent. It is crucial to realize that most of south and North America was colonized by ...

Vietnam War

It is said that the beginnings of the war were in the early twenties when a Vietnamese man who was a nationalist had joined an American university. The man later came be known as Ho Chi Minh who constantly wrote letters to the U.S presidents asking ...


The beginning of Vietnam conflict can be traced to the Second World War, when the Americans helped Ho Chi Minh in his fight against Japan. After the war ended, the Cold War began between the United States and the Soviet Union, which, at the time ...

Viktor Frankl: Life and Deeds

As early as 1946, when Viktor Frankl’s Man's Search for Meaning was first published in English, he saw clearly that “long ago we had passed the stage of asking what was the meaning of life, a naïve query which understands life as ...

War in Middle East

Jenin Jenin film is a documentary that features different testimonies against the occurrence of massacre in the Palestinian camp during the Lebanese war. The waltz with basher film is an account of the events that occurred during the Sabra and ...

Was British America founded as a Christian Nation

It is wrong to say that British America was founded as a Christian nation. Those individuals we recognize today as creators of the nation, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln and Thomas Paine, were all individuals who proved hostile ...

Western Civilization Essay

Throughout the existence of mankind, there has been an intense pursuit for a clear understanding of immortality. The question of human life and life after their death has always caused different feelings and reactions. The quest for the right answer ...

Why the North Victorious in the Civil War

American Civil War is one historical feature in the history of the world's greatest nation. Starting from around 1860 and lasting for five year with casualties totaling to over 60,000 dead, it brought about end of slavery and a rebirth of a new ...

Why the US Declared War on Great Britain

Introduction The war between Britain and America supposedly lasted for three years from 1812 to 1815. It was fought mostly on the Atlantic Ocean and in parts of North America. The declaration of the war was endorsed by both the Senate and the House ...

Women and The Two World Wars

Just like in the previous First World War, women played a very big role in the Second World War. Firstly, they took some of the roles formerly reserved for men as the men went to war and hence kept the economy from grinding to a halt. This meant ...

Women in latin America

While somebody talks of Latin America, the initial item that normally comes to mind is a gorgeous place that is mostly taken by underprivileged peasant farmers. These farmers do not know much about anything. Probably what comes into mind is that it ...

Workers Memorial Day

The Workers Memorial Day is a crucial day for workers all around the world. It takes place on 28 April every year (The Union for Life, 2012). It provides all workers in the world the opportunity to gather and highlight practical ways that can ...

World System Of States

Introduction The period 1815-1914 is referred to as post Napoleonic period or simply 19th century and it was characterized by several significant changes  within the world system of sates that included increased nationalism, disharmony among ...

World War

World war that was experienced in 1936 to 1945 was caused by a number of factors which in combination lead to war as we know it. In brief the factors that causes the world war are not different with the factors causing the current was Iraq ...

World War I and World War II

Within the scope of this research, we will elaborate on the causes, effects and types of warfare with regards to World War I and World War II. The 1914-1918 War, the Great War, or the First World War as it was variously known, was in its day the ...

World War II. The Deadliest War in History

Humankind knew many wars, as long as it exist tribes, peoples, countries and different interest groups entered war against each other in order to obtain resources, get power or to resolve other certain social, ethnic, politic or economic tensions. ...

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