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How Television has Affected Humanity

Since 26th January 1926 when Scotsman John Logie Baird instigated the world to his brand new creation called television, a revolution has taken place in which TV has improved and changed to keep up with demand. Debatably, the utmost and most significant discovery of the 20th century, the television began with humble beginnings and was met with cynicism. However, since its initiation, almost 75 years ago, the United States has been fascinated. Now, as per USA Today and Nielson Media Research, the normal American home has 2.71 television and 2.55 people. There are more TVs in the average home than there are people. At the twist of the century, the TV as we know it today was only a vision in the eyes of the inventors (Herbert, 2004).

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Many believed they could take the fundamental concepts applied to the broadcast of pictures. After its official introduction at the 1939 World's Fair, the first actual money-making televisions became widely available. Sets were large pieces of paraphernalia with about 12 inch monitors. One of the most familiar images from this early age included the 1936 Olympics from Berlin in which Hitler made known the opening of the ceremony. Much of the publicity surrounding televisions in the 1940's were flounced under the rug with the commencement of World War II. Even though the manufacture of televisions stopped, the improvement persisted and color was brought in at the early part of the decade. This is also when TV commercial was invented. During the war, the television was used as a small party line machine, encouraging people to buy bonds and support the endeavor. Naturally, the accessibility of what we have today was unthought-of and in most cases appeared impossible, but most television sets were competent of providing at least up to four essential channels (Herbert, 2004).

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However, these channels were only established clearly in larger cities. It was very intricate for television indicators to pass through the mountains and rural areas. In order to solve the problem, what is known as cable or line television was introduced in 1948. The reason for cable television was to bring existing transmission signals to rural areas with society antennas placed at high altitudes, usually on mountains or on top of tall posts. Since the innovation of cable television, it has grown rapidly. By 1960, there were almost 700 cable systems. In 1971, 2,750 systems were helping almost 6 million homes. Of course, the creation of cable television was by far the only chief technical expansion for television in the early days of television. Today, cable still goes on to advance with new progresses with satellites. There are over 80 diverse channels obtainable to cable subscribers varying from 24 hours movie channels, 24 hour music channels, and 24 hour news channels. In addition to being able to encompass these kinds of channels, pay television services or better identified as premium channels are also linked with the improvement of cable television. And as we stare in to the future, what will TV be like both through a scientific sense and discernment wise, as it pertains to the public? Will there be an effect of our news being distributed in a dramatic way? (Lang, K, Lang, G.E, 1993)

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The television has turned out to be one of the most indispensable and ever-present items of a modern way of life, but few people are conscious of the role it plays in influencing society. At the center of understanding how TV affects the general public is the correlation between television and consumerism. Television permits people to consume images that otherwise the majority would not have access to in the course of an archetypal lifestyle (Bijmolt' H.A & Claassen, n.d.) Nevertheless, while this might sound like an advantage - and the producers continuously remind customers of this benefit - TV is not simply about seeing fresh and diverse things. It is principally about selling. Television programming developed hand in hand with consumerism, first in its origin in America in the mid 20th century, but progressively more everywhere else in the world too. Television has extended the culture of consumerism; in the way it discloses what used to be the confidential aspects of human life to open view (Rich M, et al, 1998).

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Television has had a wonderful impact on the social order ever since it was made-up and has influenced cultures throughout the world. It has been one of the main causes of socialization. It has been seen as misrepresenting and representing information and has been highly condemned for the former. Many think that television has opened up new opportunities, thought models and processes and attitudes to the masses. A huge part of how we see and live life nowadays is affected and determined by television in terms of customs, values and standards (Rich M, et al, 1998).

Many also argue that TV has done more damage than good in terms of its depiction of violence, its glamorizing of all the incorrect things and messages, the representation of sexual attitudes and impropriety among other things. It has been seen as influencing the viewer's self representation negatively and mainly causing a major amount of chaos as far as customs and their relevant values are concerned.

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Television can be enjoyable and educational, and can open up new worlds for kids, giving them an opening to travel the world, learn about diverse cultures, and gain revelation to ideas they may never come across in their own neighborhood. Shows with a pro-social message can have an optimistic effect on kids' deeds; programs with positive character models can influence audience to make positive lifestyle alterations (Bijmolt' H.A & Claassen W. n.d.). However, the overturn can also be true. Kids are apt to learn things from the TV that parents don't want them to observe. Televisions can affect kids' healthiness, behavior and family life in unenthusiastic ways (Rich, et al., 1998).

Watching plenty of television can lead to youth obesity and overweight. University of Michigan researchers established that just being wide awake and in the room with the TV on more than two hours a day was a hazardous factor for being overweight at ages three and four and a half. Children can come to scrutinize the world as a mean and frightening place when they take violent behavior and other upsetting themes on television to be true in real life. Symptoms of being terrified or saddened by TV stories can include being frightened of being alone, bad dreams, withdrawing from friends, anxious feelings, and missing school. Scary-looking things like ugly ogres especially frighten kids aged two to seven. Telling them that the pictures aren't real does not help for the reason that children under age eight can't at all times tell the distinction between reality and fantasy. Television viewing is also linked with the distorted sleep patterns and sleep mayhems among children and teenagers. Regular sleep timetables are an important part of hale and hearty sleep. Infants and kids who watch television have more unequal sleep schedules (Rich, et al., 1998).

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Certainly television has altered in the past 25-50 years and it will change in another 20-50 years, as will all types of media. All in all, humanity in general needs to stop relying on TV and forming attitudes by what they see and heed as a way of day to day livelihood, since that is what is appears like we are letting happen. People are relying excessively on these scientific advances that they can no longer do for themselves. If we seized away all the progress and expansion and went back to the system it was when it was first made-up what would it be like? We would most likely have beliefs based on values and not on discernment (Herbert, 2004).

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