Custom «Community Service to Church» Essay Paper Sample

Community Service to Church

Offering services to the church brings fulfillment in the lives of many people. I am an individual volunteering as a religious helper. This activity is beneficial not only for other people, but, first of all, for me, because through serving my small job in church I have a possibility to learn a lot about faith and beliefs of different people, and this also equips me with more spiritual facts to boost my personal faith. Through organizing different church events, I can meet other people, who need help or suggestion, and share my knowledge about religion with them. We have a unique possibility to share our views, and expand our beliefs beyond the boundaries.

By being a part of the Sandwich Society, I have a possibility to encourage environmental conservation, maintain aesthetic value, and help in preventing pollution in order to create a clean world for people to live in. Development and improvement of the community life, such as better infrastructure, and social amenities for people, are also encouraged through talks and meetings. I am able to facilitate the life of my society through taking part in this society. As a member of Jacobs Light Foundation, packing care packages for overseas soldiers, the most important virtue I have learnt is the art of sharing. By sending those small boxes to the soldiers abroad, one can give a part of his/her heart, and the soldiers will feel loved and appreciated. This inspires me and others to promote peace in my community, and all over the world.

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