Custom «The Evolution of Knowledge» Essay Paper Sample

The Evolution of Knowledge

It is prudent to fully define and analyze the evolution of knowledge. Maria’s work identifies knowledge as ‘science’. Why do I say this? Science is deemed to have been conceived with primary objective to arrive at the unknown. Having facts about the unknown is acquiring knowledge. Look at how ‘Socrates’ considered himself in the fifteenth century? He realized that he knew nothing! According to me, that was a great stride in reinventing himself to the tasks a head. In this context, ‘knowledge’ also refers to ‘discovery’.

What is interesting is the way knowledge and ignorance interacts with each other. Neither of them is independent of the other. The writer’s literary work proves these two to be interdependent! For instance, her article recognizes the real urge of scientists. They don’t stop at defensible results, but rather pursue beyond them until they are bereft of facts. To me this is where one discovers what he or she doesn’t know. Of course this is the origin of ignorance!

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The evolution of awareness has been tremendous. Starting from people like Socrates to the current crop of prolific scientists is evident. The gap has been created by the fact that the previous knowledge scanners were poorly equipped and had ancient way of doing things which at times took too long to arrive at the results. They had genuine interests to acquire more. Most previous researchers commenced their wok from the unknown to the known facts. The present groups use modern and advanced equipments which give almost instant results! The majority of present scientists work from known to the unknown facts. They also lack the drive to go beyond the desired results.

Finally Maria acknowledges that ignorance fuels science! The desire to get acquainted with some facts may lead one to conduct an autopsy or research. This in turn results to creativity. For my case in English Composition, I am trying to satisfy the bench-marks set with a view to reach the desired end.

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