Custom «The Chimney Sweep» Essay Paper Sample

The Chimney Sweep


Children are innocent and envisioned. In childhood every child likes to have fun and sleep of innocence. However, in some uncivilized societies, children are not being cared and has had been used as labor. Nevertheless, even now, in various uncivilized, and even in some civilized societies child labor is quite common. It not only vanish the fun of childhood but also put dreadful impact on the society.

Set of two poems "The Chimney Sweeper" by William Blake reflects the same idea. Each stanza in both poems has close connection with child emotions and also possesses a close periodic relation.

Songs of innocence, first stanza:

In first stanza, the poet William Blake has portrayed pathetic aspect of child trade in late eighteenth century. Therefore, poet has quite proficiently pictured the emotions of a traded child in first stanza. At the start of poem the poet exposes the discomfort of a chimneys sweeper child, as he writes in last line "So your chimneys I sweep, and in soot I sleep." Hence, a thought provoking but realistic panorama has been created by the poet in a quite effectual manner at the starter of the poem.

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Songs of innocence, second stanza:

In second stanza, William Blake has depicts the pain of curled hairs to symbolizing the unrest and pain. However, poet also depicts a close relationship between all boys therein by presenting communication and gesture between Tom and the central character. The poet at the end of second stanza closes the thought by writing "Hush, Tom! never mind it, for when your head's bare, You know that the soot cannot spoil your white hair." You know that the soot cannot spoil your white hair."

Songs of innocence, third stanza:

In third stanza, the poet articulates sight/dream of a chimney sweeper child. In dream he sees all of them locked in coffins of black. Here the poet again pictures the pain and unrest situation of chimney sweeper by symbolizing the detainment. Therefore, the poet ends the third stanza with lines of distress "Were all of them locked up in coffins of black."

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Songs of innocence, fourth stanza:

In fourth stanza the poet articulate his wisdom of child freedom. He symbolizes the freedom with liberty of enjoyment. The poet sensationalizes the thought of freedom with the help of angle who comes to free the children. He explains the liberty of enjoyment in last tow line "Then down a green plain leaping, laughing, they run, And wash in a river, and shine in the sun."

Songs of innocence, fifth stanza:

In fifth stanza, poet continues the sensation of joy and freedom with first two lines. As he explains the children emotions "Then naked and white, all their bags left behind, they rise upon clouds and sport in the wind." However, the last two lines, the conversation between angle and Tom transit it to the sixth and last stanza.

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Songs of innocence, sixth stanza:

At the sixth and last stanza, the poet discloses the freedom and joy as dream. He states that for the chimney sweeper child nothing has been changed. In astute understanding, it was just dream of a distressed child and wisdom of a civilized mind. Hence, the poet writer the last line as "Though the morning was cold, Tom was happy and warm; So if all do their duty they need not fear harm."

First stanza, songs of Experience:

In first stanza of songs of experience the poet William Blake introduces theme of the poem by portraying a miserly weeping child in the snow. The poet denotes that the child has father and mother but gone in the church for pray. In this poem the poet exposed the idea of parent's carelessness. Last two lines of first stanza are quite thought provoking where poet writers "Where are thy father & mother! say! They are both gone up to the church to pray." These lines are self explanatory for the poem idea.

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Second stanza, songs of Experience:

In second stanza, poet exposes the joy and the pain at the same time. He describes that the child was very happy before his parents leave him. However, at the last two lines of second stanza he reveals the pain of a child by stating "They clothed me in the clothes of death, and taught me to sing the notes of woe." The poet very robustly interpreted parent's carelessness in second stanza.

Third stanza, songs of Experience:

In the third and last stanza, the poet closes his thought of parent's carelessness by restating the whole scenario. And at last two lines, the poet quite impressively, at the same time, very violently express his emotions in the words "And are gone to praise God & his Priest & King Who make up a heaven of our misery." A misery of child has been exposed by the writer in an exceptional manner in just three stanzas.

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At the end of treatise, both of the poems have deeply explored and analyzed. The poet has been quite successful by conveying the idea of child's care and its compulsion for parents and for the state. Nevertheless, it is fact that any carelessness would not only be the vanishing point for the child's fun, but also can put dreadful impact on the society.

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