Custom «The Poem The Purse-seine» Essay Paper Sample

The Poem The Purse-seine


Societal depravity has affected the cultural norms a lot. The modest concepts from the revolutionists have actually multiplied the wickedness in the society. Hence, we, as a society are actually not busy to achieve cultural, political, or capitalist success. But, in fact, it is devastation of cultural norms that we are welcoming into our environment. It never supports us, and is intensively infective for the coming generations. Therefore, we, in reality, are hunting ourselves by trapping us into the tapered net of inferior cultural, political and capitalist norms.

The Purse-Seine:

The poem "The purse-seine" by Robinson Jeffers has revealed the same fact of societal depravity as explained above. However, the metaphorical correlation of purse-seine and societal trapping by the government and even by the citizens has quite avowedly been pictured in the poem. Therefore, submissively, the poem has simply naked an unutterable open secret in a straightforward way. Moreover, fact overseeing and fact forecasting that has been apprehended by the writer in the poem is near to facts. So, the poem is a master piece of societal picturization.

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Use of net in the poem:

The net has been used in the poem as a symbol of entrapping. On the one hand, the writer has used net to catch the fish; and on the other hand, it is used to entrap the society by the citizens itself, by the politicians, and by the governments.

Writer says by enlightening the factual face of the society, that we have engaged ourselves in entrapping us. At the same time, the governments are also narrowing their net to the citizens by imposing more restriction that will eventually end up at mass-disasters.


At the end of treatise, it can be realized that depressed government policies and societal norms are like net that catch the fish and bring it out of the water. Conversely, fish is a symbolic relation to us who has been trapped in the net of government policies and inferior societal norms. The writer forecasts that the depressed government policies and inferior cultural norm correlates to the life's death. That quote is appropriate reference to the poem "We have met the enemy, and they are us."

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